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[24 Nov 2013|04:23pm]
Azura had been spending more time on Earth lately. She had gotten to know more of the Earth heroes and enjoyed working along side of them. Ryan had introduced her to 'patrolling' and Azura looked forward to going out each night and kicking asses that needed kicking.
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sample post [26 Jan 2011|10:19pm]
Azura ran down the hallway as fast as she could. Laser blasts hit the walls all around her and one caught her on the right arm and she gasped as the pain spiked. She skidded as she turned a corner and then stopped. She turned around and brought her two laser pistols up.

The guards that had been giving chase came around the corner and a look of surprise crossed their faces for a brief second before Azura fired with both weapons. She was grinning as the lasers cut down the guards.

"You don't have to be so happy about taking lives" came the voice in her head.

"Mind your own business," she sent back to her twin. The two guards were dead and she took of running again.

"We shouldn't have taken this job."

Azura could hear the disapproval in Abel's mental voice. "It sounded like fun and was supposed to be a simple rescue. How was I supposed to know the girl would not be here? And what's this we stuff? I'm doing all the work."

"Better you than me."

"Oh shut up." Azura reached the airlock and slapped the button to open it. Guards appeared at the end of the hall as Azura dove inside and the door shut behind her. A second later explosions from pre-set explosives rocked the hallway.

Azura dove into her small ship and disconnected from the ship. She fired up the engines and rocketed off into space.
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[23 Jan 2011|08:57pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ:
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Abel/Azura
Character LJ (if applicable): only_half_here
Physical description (face, build, weight):
Azura – Azura is 6'2”, 170lbs, golden skin, green hair,
Abel – Abel is 6'2”, 190lbs, green skin, golden hair,

Age: 20
PB: (If using one.) Tiana Pongs/Austin Robert Butler

Azura –
Azura is an accomplished athlete trained in gymnastics, hand-to-hand combat, the uses of the known weaponry of the galaxy, and stealth techniques.

Superhuman Durability - bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human. She is capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, the vacuum of space, and low level energy blasts without sustaining injury.

Superhuman Stamina - musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being.

Superhuman Agility - agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes - reaction time is similarly enhanced, enabling her to react at a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Regeneration – Azura heals injuries at a higher rate than normal beings. She can regenerate lost limbs, but it takes a considerable amount of time (around two weeks).

Cosmic Energy Blasts – Azura is able to produce cosmic energy blasts, but only has been able to produce ones that at most will stun an opponent.

Azura possesses the Time Gem and uses it to speed up and slow down time when she is fighting an opponent, giving her an edge.

She also possess the Godslayer, a sword capable of injuring and killing immortals and other vastly powerful beings.

Abel -
Abel has very little fighting skills and doesn't prefer combat. Abel has a genius level intellect and his mind moves much faster than normal minds. He can analyze a situation in seconds and come up with counter plan. He also likes inventing gadgets to help his teammates.

Superhuman Durability - bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human. He is capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, the vacuum of space, and low level energy blasts without sustaining injury.

Superhuman Stamina - musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being.

Superhuman Agility - agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes - reaction time is similarly enhanced, enabling her to react at a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Regeneration – Abel heals injuries at a higher rate than normal beings. He can regenerate lost limbs, but it takes a considerable amount of time (around two weeks).

Cosmic Energy Blasts – Abel is able to produce mild to strong cosmic energy blasts.

Flight - He can also employ cosmic energy to negate the force of gravity beneath him, enabling him to fly.

Space-Warps Locator - He could use his cosmic energy to locate and enter natural space-warps, discontinuities in the fabric of space, in order to traverse interstellar space.

Weaknesses and flaws: Only one of them can habit normal space at a time.
Character location/Home: Space
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Gamora (mother), Adam Warlock (Father), Her (Aunt), Iason (Cousin), Thanos (Grandfather), Starhawk (cousin)

Abel and Azura were born to Gamora and Adam and things seemed normal. When they were around five, the two kids formed a cocoon around them and stayed inside for some time. While they were inside the cocoon something happened. One of the twins formed a pocket dimension and entered that, while the other remained in normal space. Azura emerged from the cocoon and Gamora and Adam thought that Abel had perished somehow. Not long afterward, Azura disappeared and Abel showed up in her place. The two had the ability to exchange places in the pocket dimension at will much to the relief of Adam and Gamora.

Azura was the dominant twin and spent the most time in normal space. She learned combat techniques from her mother and the other Guardians of the Galaxy. Azura excelled at her lessons and reached her mother's level of fighting abilities around the age of 16. Gamora passed on the Time Gem and the Godslayer when Azura turned 18.

Azura is outgoing, aggressive and quick to temper. She loves fighting and won't hesitate to pick a fight.

So far Azura has had no contact with Thanos.

When Abel did get to spend time in the normal universe he spent it deep in books and computers, learning as much as he could. He loved technology and devoted his time to studying it. When he discovered that he could take items into the pocket dimension, he slowly took technology with him and has built a workshop there. He prefers to spend his time there and working on his inventions rather than spend time in normal space where things are noisy and violent. He is quiet, introverted and slow to anger. He doesn't like conflict and will only fight when his life or the lives of his teammates are in extreme danger.

So far Abel has had no contact with Thanos.

Azura and Abel are aware of each other and can communicate with each other, but they cannot reside in the same plane of existence at the same time.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Formation of a Guardians of the Galaxy team
What are you planning to do with this character? Space stuff.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Azura learn to control her temper and not be so quick to fight. Abel to develop more self confidence and become a little more outgoing.
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