otter: the cutest animal.'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
otter: the cutest animal.

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[04 Feb 2008|08:42am]
Good news: I've decided to take the semester off from classes!!

Bad news: My parents have decided to also take the semester off, from giving me money!!

Good news: My job likes me so much that when I told them I'd have to find one where I make more hours, they decided to give me more hours!!

Bad news: I'll be working more.

Good news: I can afford to pay for my trips to Disney!!
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[28 Jan 2008|10:50pm]
THE IPOD MEME: Victoire )
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[15 Jan 2008|02:05pm]
photo from set of HBP )
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[12 Jan 2008|12:47am]

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[01 Jan 2008|10:30pm]

i tried to downplay it with a bet about us you said that you'd take it as long as i could i could not erase it and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you.

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