ow, my brain - May 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 17th, 2008

interview with a... character [May. 17th, 2008|01:05 pm]
[Current Location |NC/223]
[Current Mood |content]
[Current Music |"Love Song," Sara Bareilles]

So a while ago I did these interview things that Cristal posted and I thought I might repost them here, edit them a bit. My characters at Pierian, especially, have grown quite a lot since these were posted. There are a few characters I haven't done them for (Hemingway, my ARP characters) so I thought I might add those as well. Feel free to grab for yourself, it's a really helpful starter for introducing a new character.

Pierian Springs )

Stage Left )

A Royal Pain )
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character meme from lena! [May. 17th, 2008|10:32 pm]
[Current Location |NC/223]
[Current Music |"Meet Virginia," Train]

Lena ([info]derkins - like Susie Derkins from Calvin & Hobbes, AKA the best comic ever) just posted this meme so I thought I might try it out!

Name 12 characters you have played in RPGs, before looking at the questions that follow. List your characters numbered 1 to 12, with the name of the RPG you played them in. Once you've picked your 12 characters, look at the questions and answer accordingly. No peeking until you've picked your characters! Put your answers behind a cut.

1. Ernest Hemingway (Pierian Springs)
2. Viola Messaline (Viola from Twelfth Night, Stage Left)
3. John Keats (Pierian Springs)
4. Victoria Kensington (Queen Victoria, A Royal Pain)
5. Laura Ingalls Wilder (Pierian Springs)
6. Peter Pan (Stage Left)
7. Dorothy Parker (Pierian Springs)
8. Spencer Hughes (Hugh le Despenser, A Royal Pain)
9. J.R.R. Tolkien (Pierian Springs)
10. Cori Lawrence (Cordelia from King Lear, Stage Left)
11. Clive Staples (C.S. Lewis, Pierian Springs)
12. Marie Romanov (Grand Duchess Maria Romanov, A Royal Pain)

les questions )
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