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Blood Trail [30 May 2010|10:46pm]

Blood Trail

YJL plot

1. Mike find’s a message from his father telling him to seek help from Bruce Wayne if he has problems which he is indeed having after an attack by demons though is thoroughly confused as to why a reclusive billionaire acquaintance of his father could offer any help.

Mike talks to Bruce though Bruce can’t help or say much directly without comprising Terry something he wouldn’t do but says he’ll see what he can do. Mike thinks this was a complete waste of time and leaves annoyed with the whole situation.

Bruce’s asks Terry to keep an eye out for possible demonic attacks while he and Maxine do a little bit of research.

2. Demonic attack on Mike much stronger than before which Terry gets involved with depending on things go they might be over whelmed and Terry might be forced to call the YJL for help.

If YJL not called in earlier would now be called because demonic attacks are a bit above Terry’s usual problems.

Mike explains what he’s figured out so far and what he believes is going on given his family history, Maxine can confirm his story if needed giving her first interaction with the big leagues.

3.  Research by various sources reveals the full situation someone’s placed a bounty on Mike’s head in hell.

To deal with the situation either the demon in charge of the bounty can be summoned or they can go to hell to deal with the demon.

Leads to a big fight with the demon, a rhyming class, and his minions.

4. After the demon is defeated it says it will recall the bounty in exchange for it’s life which they are forced to accept.

Deal with fallout of situation which is easy enough and it seems that the demon kept his word.

YJL may offer to let Mike join but he’ll turn them down as he does not currently see his life taking him in that direction at least right now.

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