LUCIUS abraxas MALFOY [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Jan. 26th, 2020|09:35 pm]
++++++++++ )
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thethird [Jun. 18th, 2010|02:15 pm]
Draco turned a year on the 5th. His celebration was spectacular, of course, all due to the careful preparing of my beautiful wife. Here is a picture of the boy birthday boy:

He is an exact image of myself at that age, my mother tells me.
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thesecond [Mar. 24th, 2010|11:14 pm]

Spring's here.
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thefirst [Aug. 23rd, 2009|10:13 pm]
The Ministry remains a mess, Diagon Alley remains a disaster zone, and Draco, however, remains to be the perfect son. Now, if only the rest of the wizarding world could have as high of a success rate as my lovely wife and myself.
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