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Phoebe Anne Hall

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[03 Apr 2011|07:58pm]
Name: Phoebe Anne Hall
Age: 16
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8", 122 lbs.
PB: Victoria Justice
Realtives: Adam Hall (father), Lily Troy-Hall (mother), older brother, Hank Hall (grandfather), Donna Troy (grandmother), Don Hall (uncle), Jarrod Hall (cousin and godfather, though she refers to him as Uncle Jarrod), Mitzi Storm (godmother)
Alignment: Hero
Team: Teen Titans.
Abilities: Through her father, Phoebe has a connection to Chaos where her powers stem from. Like her father, the angrier she gets, the stronger and more durable she becomes. Phoebe has only gotten truly "out of control" a couple of times in her life, and has had relaxation training from her godfather, Jarrod. While she has had some combat training from her mother, Phoebe is more of a brawler than a fancy combative fighter.
Backstory: The daughter of Adam Hall and Lily Troy-Hall, Phoebe is the youngest of their two children. She was raised with the other Titans kids, and is fairly close to them. Growing up, Phoebe was a troublemaker and could often be found trying to pull off one prank or another. However, as she has Daddy wrapped around her little finger, she normally was able to get off with just a warning most of the time.
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