My words..My thoughts - 25th birthday [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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25th birthday [Feb. 11th, 2008|12:50 am]
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[Current Mood | happy]

I had a blessed 25th birthday celebration this weekend. On Saturday, me, Chris, and other had a blast at Laser Web. Marie surprised me by showing up after she got off work. After we were tired from shooting each other Me and Marie chilled out. Sunday I chilled with the family a little bit. Marie then took me out to eat at Mccormick and Schmidt's. It was cool. Overall I had a blast for my 25th birthday. I'm glad that everyone join me in the celebration.

Gifts I received: Tiger Woods Golf 08(PS3), Ralph Lauren Romance cologne, Taste of Elegance cake, some jeans and t-shirt, and cards