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Survey [Feb. 18th, 2008|09:25 pm]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | relaxed]

[one] Do you sleep with socks on or off:
Usually off

[two] Do you flip your pillow to the cold side:
When im hot

[three] Do you like to hold or be held:

[four] What do you do most when drunk?
Haven't and wont let myself get that far

[five] Do you want a small or big wedding:
Small and intimate. But most likely with my family, it will be a medium size wedding

[six] What type of guys/girls do you usually go for:
Great personality, pretty smile, nice body

[seven] Would you rather be rich and unhappy or poor and happy?
Poor and happy

[eight] What are 3 things you want to do before you die?
Fullfill my purpose
Go to Jamaica, Brazil, and Hawaii
Have a family

[nine] Have you ever churned Butter?

[ten] Are you trusting of new people?
Not really

[eleven] If you could rate yourself as a good or bad friend on a scale from 1-10?
10 as in a good friend

[thirteen] If you were the opposite sex for a day, what would be the first thing you would do?
Wouldn't want to change............I love being a guy

[fourteen] What is your favorite body part of the opposite sex?
Tough one.......I'll say the whole body frame(breast, ass, smile, thighs, legs, etc.)

[fifteen] If your dream was to be a model and a big opportunity came up but you had to be nude, would you take it?
Sure....if I was a little thinner and had some muscles

[sixteen] You and your friends are going to do a senior prank. What would it be?
TP the school or release some barn animals in the school

[seventeen] What is the most money you would spend on a pair of shoes?

[eighteen] If you found out a loved one had cancer and had 5 days to live what would you do?
Spend time with them

[nineteen] If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Royal blue

[twenty] If you could choose to star in ANY play or movie you wanted, what
would it be? quite a few movies I would star in that co-starred Halle Berry, Gabrielle Union, Mya, Alicia Keys, Megan Good, etc.

[twenty one] Do you have more friends or more acquaintances?

[twenty two] If you could win a couple front row tickets to a game, any sport any team, what would it be?
Tampa Bay Buccaneers

[twenty three] Would you rather help someone out or be helped out?

[twenty four] If you had to choose to be a different religion than what you are now, which would you choose & why?
None. I can never go away from GOD and Jesus.

[twenty five] If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt?
I would pray and believe that somehow my swimmers can make the trip up the tube. If not, I wouldn't mind adopting.

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