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The Moment of Truth [Mar. 2nd, 2008|12:59 am]
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[Current Mood | good]
[Current Music |Kenna - Make Sure They See My Face]

I read a dicussion about the Fox tv show The Moment Of Truth. This clip came up in the dicussion:

Someone made a response to the video. After reading this particular response, I agree with what this gentleman said. It doesn't happen 100% of the time, but for the majority of the time it's right on point. Here's the response:

" This is the perfect example of why you should not be a "nice guy." Thats what you should expect from these women when they know they got you in their pocket. Her ex probably is the "bad boy" asshole that dumped her and she still wants him back to try to change him. Shit I bet you he was one of the guys she cheated on her husband with. That is why I changed from being that nice guy type of dude. Cause women like this will take advantage of the nice guy all of the time.

Remember this is how a woman rates these type of men

Nice guy = weak, easy to control, can only reach "friend" level

Bad boy = mysterious, strong, boyfriend/husband material"
