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Chris Grant-Pym

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Meme Response - Nick Salem - Choice - Chase [22 Jan 2012|04:38pm]
Oh crap, oh crap oh crap oh crap oh shiiiiit!

Chris crashed through a window back into the street, sprinting on all fours at top speed as a mob followed her.

Okay, there's a slight chance she might have picked a bigger fight than she should have with breaking up the attack by some anti-mutant terrorists.
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Meme Response - Cait - Sex - In Public [22 Jan 2012|03:35am]
"You're out of your mind, you know that?" Chris hissed at Cait. Sure, they were the only ones in the theater, and they were all the way in the darkest back corner, but it was still the movie theater. Still, there was a definite smile in her voice as she was pawed at, and she licked her lips in anticipation.
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Dress You Up In My Like [24 Jun 2011|10:26pm]
"There." Chris snapped the barrette into place in Pauline's hair. The bulk of it was cut into the shape of a beamed triple-eighth note, taken from an old vinyl that had been chipped into non-usage. A scraplet of silk ribbon flanked it, with croche embroidered into the fabric. She admired her work for a moment, then draped her arms over her girlfriend's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks for being so patient." The two were already down to the giant t-shirts portion of the evening, Pauline having come to spend the night, which had turned into a hangout session for most of the girls, who had since been shuffled off. Still working through the soft drinks and junk food, Chris had jumped into cobbling something new together.
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For all the good little mutants... [24 Dec 2009|02:41pm]
Dad - New lab coat, with extra pockets added

Mom - Cashmere scarf

Professor X - Snowglobe

Corey - Bamboo windchime, taken from sustainable growth habitats

Molly - Domokun beanie hat

Cait - Fuzzy cushioned slippers

Moira/Danielle - Braided leather collars

Lucas - Wombat tagua pendant

Halbjorn (and other Defenders) - Kevlar team logo armbands, Halbjorn's in red to match his hair

Anya & Steve: 'His and Hers' gift cards to Victoria's Secret

Other X-Men and Avengers: Vouchers for 1 free accessory piece, or embroidered patch.

Bonus: Mister Logan gets breath-mints in his stocking.
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