A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - January 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 4th, 2009

[Jan. 4th, 2009|01:26 am]
[Mood | blah]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Buckethead - Nottingham Lace]

So, no Pagoda show tonight. Andrew texted me this morning saying he had to go home (back to NJ) for a family crisis kinda thing, and he didn't come back up since it ended at like, 9. So whatever. I'm a bit bummed, but they're playing again sometime later this month. I'll probably go then. I'm exhausted, since I've seriously been doing nothing but watching movies all day. I passed out early last night. Like, around midnight. I feel like an old person. I don't think I've gone to bed that early in months.

Work tomorrow, which I'm not looking forward to, then tattoo (finally) on either Monday or Tuesday. Depends on when I get my paycheck for the week. Other than that, I have no plans to do anything. My life sucks. Still obsessed with this song. It's seriously bordering addiction. Like, 50-something times in 2 days is BAD. Whatever. It's still awesome.

I'm about to start my book. Essentially, it's about a period in the life of a struggling musician/writer. I'm doing it a bit gonzo, so I'm using some elements of my own life in there. I think once I have it written in my book, I'm gonna post it here so I can get some feedback.

Also gonna start reading Oil! by Upton Sinclair tomorrow, which is the book that inspired the (amazing) movie There Will Be Blood, which in turn inspired my XBox Live clan tag of IDYM, or I Drink Your Milkshake. Yeah.
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