A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - April 29th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 29th, 2009

Deliver Us.... [Apr. 29th, 2009|11:34 pm]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Darkest Hour- Deliver Us]

So the band is pretty much formed. Dead Tide is now a reality. Over the past two years, we've gone through numerous "SRSBZNS" phases, played with multiple guitarists, and worked our asses off on stuff that never really came to fruition. Until now.  This is really happening. We have... basically, a full band. We lack a bassist, but with the style we play in, we really don't need one. It would sound brutal as hell, but it's not a neccessity at this point. Logan officially joined the band last night as the third guitarist, and we've been practicing our asses off over the past couple of days. He learned our first original song, "8 AM Madness" in almost no time at all. He's an incredible guitarist. He has been ever since I played with him in Crimson Skies back in high school. He played it with me and Phil yesterday, me and Glen for most of the day today, and me, Phil, and Glen for like, an hour tonight. It sounds absolutely incredible. We're gonna be practicing two days a week, so hopefully, by the time summer officially rolls around, we'll have a good deal of material. Then, it's off to the studio to record a demo. Three heavy ass guitars, an incredible vocalist, and, not to brag,  an absolutely filthy good drummer, we hope this is our big break. We'd love to tour and play shows with established bands, and the only way to do that is to work our asses off, which we're more than prepared to do. This is what I want to do for a living, and I'm prepared to give everything I have to make sure we're the future of the melodic death metal genre. From what everyone who's heard it has told us, our potential is incredible, our talent is through the roof. The sky is most certainly the limit for Dead Tide, and I hope one day, I'll be able to post tour dates for around the country and be able to invite all my friends and all that shit. 

I'm beyond happy at this point, between the band and having someone in my life who makes me truly feel so incredibly special and free. So shit with school and any personal problems or whatever is just bouncing off of me right now. I feel bulletproof.
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