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Baby Meme: Daniel and Ellie [11 Jun 2013|08:37pm]
A. Katie Grimm
B. Capricorn
C. Showed up a couple years after Daniel and Ellie got married
D. Just over 6' and muscular, with long brown hair.
E. 1. Had the biggest crush on Spider-Man when she was little. 2. Kidnapped as a child exactly once.The collective wrath of the families did a good job dissuading anyone from trying it again. 3. Gave herself dozens of childhood injuries, from broken bones to concussions trying to figure out what her super powers were by climbing everything, jumping off things, crashing into walls full speed and any other 'powers test' she could think of. 4. Powers actually manifested in her early teens, when she discovered that she could copy the properties of any stone or metal by touching it. 5. Still goes to every Mets opening day with her dad.
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Christmas on a budget [23 Dec 2009|10:28pm]
Franklin: The illustrated history of clowns, $25 gift certificate to Gamestop
Vincent: His Robot Girlfriend, by Wesley Allison, New York Rangers tickets
Reed and Sue: Gift Cert. for dinner out - in a place with no WiFi
Mom: New pottery wheel
Dad: Mets tickets
Andrea: Head to toe Mets gear, The Big Book of Baseball Statistics, 1972-current
Val: $25 for GameStop, new pilot's helmet, offer to be her co-pilot 4 times, her choice, breath mints (for her new boyfriend)

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Test Flight [21 Dec 2009|02:04pm]
[ music | Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters ]

Four Freedoms has been the sight of plenty of chaos and big events, but the lobby, anyway, is usually a pretty sedate place. Not today. Today, just past school letting out for the holiday, its the site of a lot of noise and commotion.
Daniel got his early Christmas present today in the form of a note sent to the school, to be given to him on his way out, telling him not to head home, but downtown instead. Today, for the first time, he's been given access to the F4 space flight simulator without supervision.
By the time the way too slow bus got there, he was off like a shot, barely remembering not to use any super speed around the other kids.

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