セーラータイータン's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[14 Oct 2009|04:33pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Iris - GooGoo Dolls ]

You know what, screw the subject. Sometimes...you don't need a subject. So yes, a long time since I've been on this name. Really thinking about staying here. We'll see how that goes. It's Oct which means it's my fave time of the year, but it also means I'm extremely busy, not only with my job, but with my art and my comic and all the other little things I need to try and get to...sadly it gets soo busy I just want to pull away and take a day off. Why can't that be today? I really need to work on the comic to make sure I can get it up tomorrow. Note: Must get a comic bank going so then I CAN take a day or two off. My art queue is about half of what it was when I started, now let's up in the next couple of weeks I can even take it down more. Depending on taking my notebook to CP with me in order to be able to work on art projects there.

If you're reading this, I am looking for some people to add to my friends list, I do ask that you come at least relatively dramafree, I know some of you are much younger than I and I understand that, but I have limited and already having been there before I don't want to be there again. I also ask that you respect me and what friends I do have and I will respect you and yours.

Link of the day: Nostalgia Critic

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