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Sam Fury

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Now you did it. [May. 14th, 2013|01:24 am]
[Current Mood | cranky]

"I hope you have a spell to deflect bullets, Power. You're going to need it."
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Training for the inevitable (Yelena) [Mar. 28th, 2013|01:30 am]

Sammy's status as a reserve Avenger was mighty convenient when there were mysteries to investigate. Learning that there was a dimensionally-challenged Black Widow in New York brought her dirt side to see the woman in person. Or as in-person as one could be watching the training room from the observation deck in the Avengers' mansion. Mentally she was opening another file and making notes. Fury Files 2.0 was growing.
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Meme 3,16 Power Swap+Time Travel=One Massive Migraine [Mar. 24th, 2013|10:58 pm]

A meteor shower, a simple pick up and deliver mission, two SHIELD agents, and one bottle of Extra Strength Excedrin. It had to be a recipe for disaster.

Sammy didn't wait for the ending. She popped open the bottle and took three tablets without water, then handed it to Alice.
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RP Challenge. [Jun. 24th, 2011|11:25 am]

The rules:

1. Truth or Dare: Post a scene idea as a dare. It can be in-canon, or it can be AU. You can challenge any of mine with any of yours. I can take the dare, or turn it down, by offering an honest in character answer to any question you want to ask. If I take the dare, you can set up the scene and we'll play through it.

2. Putting the 'R' in RP: So most of the time, rp comes down to casual social or big mod-run plots. This is neither, so let's spice it up. Your dare-scene challenge must involve either A. gratuitous violence, B. gratuitous nudity (I'm willing to play out sex scenes if they make sense, or hint at them) C. gratuitous crack. - because these aren't going through moderation, they can't really change anything, no new powers, no big item acquisitions, but gratuitous hero battles or villain of the week-ish stuff should be ok. Multiple choices from A, B and C are also possible.

3. Pay it Forward: As usual, if you take this challenge and post a scene idea, you also need to put this up in one of your journals, and offer some or all of yours up for scene challenges. Now the tricky part - if I take a dare, I will temp at least one of the npcs needed, if any are. I will not require you to NPC for me, no. Instead, you must temp at least one npc in any dares you take.

And, why yes, this is an effort to get people to temp occasional npcs for others in order to encourage rp. You have an easy out in any scenes you're truly not comfortable with - you can always take 'truth', and I may, not every scene will fit my characters or my fancy... but the idea is still to encourage rp, get people doing scenes and playing with characters, whether AU or our canon, and doing the little things to help get scenes going.

My characters up for this:

Sammy Fury
Misha Loganovich
Jack Murdock
Jenny Woolverton
Zoe Torres
Carol Ferris
Liz Rogers
Penny Walters
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Meme [May. 5th, 2011|11:57 pm]

List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.
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Seeing if this works. [Oct. 28th, 2010|02:06 pm]

For this meme, choose one character of yours and one character of mine-- and then I will write out how they hook up, settle into a long term relationship and/or marriage, and describe their firstborn child/children, if any. Crack pairings and old characters are acceptable.
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Finding time for a social life [Apr. 18th, 2010|12:57 am]
[Current Mood | bouncy]

Since the team creation, time had been in shorter supply than usual. While continuing with her classwork, she read and reread files, committing the information to memory. Invited them all into the gym to spar so she could get a sense of their fighting styles, though she hadn't made her way through all five of them yet. It was exhilarating, but if she didn't get some downtime soon she might shoot Walker as a preemptive move.

The promise of a night out was a bright spot on her calendar, and she was more than ready to spend it with her boyfriend. It was totally her fault for running late. Again. The uniform went flying as she stripped to jump into the shower.
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Christmas List [Dec. 24th, 2009|10:33 am]


Dad - cigars, whiskey, Dunhill lighter

Mom - chocolates, spa gift card, cashmere scarf

Dum Dum - cigars, whiskey, woolen scarf

Teammates: Gourmet Brownie Buckets and

Anya - Macy's gift card

Toni - Macy's gift card

Eliza - Macy's gift card

Emily - Macy's gift card

Steve - game shop gift card

Charlie - game shop gift card

James - game shop gift card

Qamar - Barnes & Noble gift card

Iason - Barnes & Noble gift card

Other VIPs:

Dad's assistant - cookies, Macy's gift card

Mom's assistant - cookies, Macy's gift card
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101 reasons to be me. [Dec. 2nd, 2009|11:25 am]
[Current Mood | blah]


1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Samantha Fury. Sam.

2. How old are you? When is your birthday?

20. January 15, 1989

3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic?

New York. New York. Yes.

4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

Col. Nicholas Fury, director of SHIELD. Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine, assistant director of SHIELD.

5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?


6. What is your occupation?

Student. Member of the Young Avengers.

7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?

5’6”. 125 lbs.

8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?

Brunette. Blue.

9. What is your race?

25 yard sprint.

10. To which social class do you belong?

SHIELD brats are in a class all their own.

11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?

I suppose? Small children don’t run screaming from me. You’d have to ask them.

12. What is your style of dress?


13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?

A clock tattoo. Location unimportant.

14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

No allergies or diseases. I’m a fully functional, healthy adult.

15. Are you right- or left-handed?

I can shoot accurately right and left handed.

16. What does your voice sound like?

A voice?

17. What kind of vocabulary do you use?

The appropriate kind. I can also cuss like a soldier, but that gets Dad into trouble.

18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics.

I measure seconds and minutes accurately. On the hydro base, I sleep with my Glock under my pillow. Coffee is the first thing in the morning I want.

19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes?

Daily and after workouts. Perfume only for special occasions. It would be a hint that I was around if I’m working.

20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)?

I’m hoping it’s a smile.

21. Do you use body language? How?

I don’t know?

22. Do you have a commonly used saying?

‘Damn yahoos‘. Dad also gets into trouble for that one.


23. What is your earliest memory?

Sitting on the floor next to Dad’s boots while he was talking to somebody important. The story goes that it was the president and he told him that he’d call back later because it was time to play with me.

24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?

Currently in my third year of college and it’s a means to an end. Enjoyment doesn’t factor into it.

25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?

SHIELD facilities. Avengers for the power thing.

26. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Good. My parents fit me in everywhere they could, and when they couldn’t they made sure I was well cared for by family friends.

27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

The King of SHIELD.

28. When and with whom was your first kiss?

Misha Loganovich. We were seven. I made him eat a bug afterward.

29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

You know my dad will read this.

30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you?

I have two family branches known for service to country and protecting the masses. What do you think?


31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

The flow moment I stopped time. It’s changed how I view the flow of time now and it‘s a pretty awesome power rush.

32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Give me a few more years to have a greatest achievement.

33. What is your greatest regret?

I allowed myself to be brainwashed and used against SHIELD, my family and my teammates.

34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you?

See #33.

35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?

Next question.

36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

#33 wasn’t evil, but it feels like it.

37. When was the time you were the most frightened?

38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?

Everywhere a SHIELD transport went.


39. What is your alignment?

The greater good, whether or not it’s right or wrong.

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Pessimistic. I’m not surprised when things go bad and really happy when they don’t.

41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?

I believe in all of them. Dad’s complained about them forever.

42. Do you believe in an afterlife?


43. What is your greatest fear?

That #33 will happen again.

44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why?

Being the last to know anything. Realizing I’m the last to know. When I can save face and pretend it doesn’t matter. Because.

45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?

I think they’re basically out for themselves and looking for a better deal, even if they hurt someone else to get it.

46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex?

Politics is just a way of counting the people you have to avoid or coddle. Dad says we’re Catholic. I say we’re agnostic. Did you not read the part where my dad will be reading this? He knows EVERYTHING.

47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing?

In the line of duty, I won’t agree with a lot but I’ll do it. Otherwise, we bet on a lot of things and I don’t like the idea of killing.

48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs?

As far as somebody will go to convince me of theirs.

49. How much do you value money?

I like to know what sort of resources I have to work with, including money.

50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

Waste the life of someone else.

51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?

See #30

52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

Yes. My parents are the best example of soul mates and true love.

53. Are you superstitious?

Only when something goes wrong.

54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?

Until they affect the greater good, just fine.

55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

I try to be honest to myself. Being honest with others is so much harder. You don’t know if the person you’re talking to will use it against you later.

56. Do you have any biases or prejudices?


Dealing With Others

57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

My parents. Dad told me to shoot for stars. Mom showed me how to do it.

58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why?

My mother. She epitomizes skill, beauty, and cool grace under fire.
I despise Mikel Fury. See #33.

59. Do you have a significant other? Who?

I thought I might but it seems I was wrong. #33 took care of that.

60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend?

A few friends, not many. Misha would be my best friend. We have a lot in common.

61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex?


62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex?


63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

Maybe. I don’t know.

64. What do you look for in a potential lover?

Trust. And a certain about of blindness to my faults.

65. How close are you to your family?

Very close.

66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children?

I don’t know yet.

67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I’ll argue if I feel it’s important.

68. Are you a listener or a talker?

Whichever the occasion calls for. A good agent has to be able to do both.

69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others?

A very long time.

70. Do you hold grudges?

Hell yes.

71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

No. I‘m an observer.

72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people?

Not my favorite but I can do it with reasonable grace.

73. How well do you express yourself?

Sometimes a little too well. Sometimes not well enough.

74. How quickly do you judge others?

Snap judgments, unfortunately. I’m working on it.

75. Do you care what others think of you?

There is not enough time in my day to worry about that.

76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy?.

See #33 and #58.

Personal Taste and Opinions

77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession?

Sunbathing with a book. SHIELD blue. Pizza. My Glock.

78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment?

I like movies of all kinds. Otherwise I don’t have much of an eye for art or fashion.

79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not?

Smoke makes things smell bad (Sorry Dad). Drugs and alcohol inhibit my power control. I’m not interested in becoming a notch on somebody’s belt. I occasionally have a drink, but mostly in social situations and only one. Two if I’m with somebody I can trust.

80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

Alone or in the rec room with anybody else who doesn’t have something to do either. I’m trying to make a life outside of the team, but it’s hard.

81. What is your most cherished fantasy?

The SHIELD head office - MINE.

82. How long is your attention span?

Oh, you have no idea how long I can focus when I’m motivated.

83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny?

Not a lot. I find a lot of things funny, though.

84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what?

I don’t think I’ve yet experienced something that shocks or offends me to the point of remembering what it is or feeling the need to do something about it.

85. How do you deal with stress?

Right now, a dozen clips and time on the firing range.

86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic?

No artistic ability at all. I’m pretty athletic. I work out daily and practice with the team.

87. Do you like animals? Do you like children?

I guess? I don’t have much experience with either.

88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I need a plan. Otherwise I’d be running on somebody else’s plan and they may not be as organized as I am. I like to think I can be flexible if necessary.

89. What are your pet peeves?

Empty clips. People who cross against the light and act like you’re in the way.


90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness?

I am the best back up to anyone who needs me. I have a difficult time relying on other people.

91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would love to be more graceful and stylish. I don’t think I inherited those genes.

92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

Introverted with a hint of cranky extrovert when necessary.

93. Do you like yourself?

I did before #33.

94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted?

Depends on why and if I have any fun being interrupted.

95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime?

Get through the semester without embarrassing myself. SHIELD directorship.

96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

Full agent status. Then the SHIELD directorship.

97. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I’d want to die for a good reason. And fast. I don’t want to linger on.

98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death?

The best damned SHIELD director ever.

99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality?

Focused. Organized. Friendly?

100. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

I imagine they’d have any number of words to describe me. I hope I deserve them all, one way or another.

101. Why are you risking your life to adventure?

Life is a risk. I don’t want to waste a second of it.
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Dear Santa, [Nov. 12th, 2009|02:28 am]

I've had a pretty good year so far.

I stayed in school and kept my grades up while I train with the Young Avengers. I was nice to my teammates, teachers and study partners. (The gun stayed in my bag.)

My parents aren't grandparents. (I know there was no danger of it, but I should get points anyway.)

There was that trouble with Mikel, but I promised I wouldn't permanently maim him for brainwashing me. (That counts, right?)

Dad's being unreasonable about my request for a hover car. I would really love it if you would put in a good word for me when you talk to him about this year's route on Christmas Eve. He hates it when you buzz the carrier, but don't let that stop you. The crew thinks it's great.

If you can swing a wish, Mom and Dad could use some time off together. This year was a little more stressful than the year I turned thirteen and Dad didn't smile for six months.

My teammates will get the usual cookie baskets, but I'd be grateful if you could toss some happiness and peace of mind in their stockings. Please put a little extra in Qamar's and a note that I'm not really the security risk that Mikel tried to make of me.


Sam Fury
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Rescue Number XXXX [Jul. 27th, 2009|07:45 pm]
[Current Mood |hurt]

The beeping was the first thing Sammy heard as she swam dizzily toward consciousness. Damned monitors. Her eyes refused to open so she didn't bother trying. All she knew was that she was safe. The others were safe; she dimly remembered the talk before she was put under for surgery.

A warm hand curled around her cold one. She made an effort to squeeze it so whoever it was would know she was there.
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Dear Santa Daddy [Jun. 16th, 2009|12:47 pm]
[Current Mood | giddy]

All I want for Christmas (and my birthday) is a hover car. I have been a good girl all year. It would really come in handy to have my own car to get back and forth to the place I'll be working at this summer.

And a new P220 compact. Plus ammo.

Much love,

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Appliction [May. 10th, 2009|06:32 pm]

Name: Samantha Fury. Answers to Sam or Sammy. Call her Samantha at your own risk.
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125lbs
Played by: Olivia Wilde
Relatives: Col. Nicholas Joseph Fury (father), Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine (mother), Mikel Fury (half brother)
Current Base of Operations: Avengers' Mansion, New York.
Future Base of Operations: S.H.I.E.L.D.
Career Goal: Butt kicking on a global scale.

Abilities: Can stop time for sixty seconds once every hour without any side effects. Sammy has also studied martial arts with her father, and has had the run of the S.H.I.E.L.D. training instructors and facilities her entire life. As a result, she is in superb physical condition, a decent hand to hand fighter, and is considered a expert shot.

Weapons: A gun. Any gun. Your gun, if you blink.

History: As the adored daughter of the world's premier eagle scout, Sammy was protected at every level growing up. She teethed on her father's sidearm, played at his feet while he spoke to world leaders, slept with a teddy bear sporting an eyepatch, attended the private school her mother set up for the children of SHIELD agents, past and present, and had play dates with the children of superheroes. Her mother tried in vain to instill a sense of decorum in her daughter, but Sammy proved she was clearly Nick Fury's little girl every time she opened her mouth.

Because her life was kept as free from work stress as her parents could manage, and she didn't have a scared bone in her body, Sammy's unusual ability didn't emerge until late in her teens during a driving lesson. She was nearly hit by a car pulling out of a blind street, scaring her and upping her adrenaline. Everything around her froze except her - the car, her father sitting in the seat beside her, the car in front of them. Just as she was about to panic, time began moving again and she hit the brakes with a squeal and a curse from Nick.

Sammy was put through a barrage of tests to determine her physical condition and if she carried the x-gene. She didn't. Valentina's medical records provided the possible clue, an early radiation exposure on a SHIELD inspection trip. It was finally decided that the radiation combined with the Infinity formula was responsible for her newfound ability.

The newfound ability, however, would not work on command. It took an adrenaline jolt to kick start it and now that she knew it could happen, it was like waiting for Santa to appear on Christmas morning. The more she tried, the harder it was to recreate on command, yet startling her would make it work every time, as well as endanger the other person when she reacted (don't scare a woman with a temper!). It was clear she needed training if only to get it under control. If she stopped time too frequently, she would pass out and be useless for at least a day. The wait time of an hour was considered optimal though she could freeze time up to three times before it became a physical hazard to her.

As a longtime friend whose son was on the childhood play date schedule with Sammy, Logan suggested to Nick and Val that Sammy be sent to Xavier's school. He promised to watch out for her, but Nick wouldn't hear of it. Xavier's mansion was too far away for Nick's liking, Sammy was too young in his estimation, and the joke of rebuilding the mansion every other month was too close to the truth for him to like it.

Once Sammy turned eighteen and began attending Empire State University with an eye for law enforcement and political science, Nick finally listened to another suggestion, this time from Steve Rogers. Sammy wasn't any closer to learning control and her parents had to provide full time security for her as they never knew when it would strike and if she would be able to stay on her feet. The Avengers mansion wasn't that far from the S.H.I.E.L.D. public offices, and they would provide the training to help Sammy learn to use her power.

She sees her parents frequently, and calls often to assure them she's okay. It isn't out of daughterly affection that she does it, although she loves her parents dearly. It's the only way to keep Dad from setting S.H.I.E.L.D. babysitters on her to keep him informed of her every move. Nick put them on her anyway in secret. Three agents are earning a degree in Sammy's course of study at his expense. He's not a big fan of letting her do things her own way.

Sammy fully intends to head S.H.I.E.L.D. one day.

Sammy's learned a great deal from her time in the mansion. She's gained a lot of control over her ability, learning to use it at will and extending the time she can hold the freeze. Her new limit is four times before she passes out, and she can hold each one for nearly ninety seconds. She's recently discovered she can take another person with her if she's touching them at the moment of activation. In theory, she could conceivably extend her limit to ten minutes or more with time and training.

Unfortunately she can't yet prevent it from happening when something starts her adrenaline pumping and hormones surging. Several dates have ended in disaster. Sex may be out of the question if she doesn't learn control.

Her father, however, can live with that.
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