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she's convinced she could hold back a glacier - tableaday, 13. Cry
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tableaday, 13. Cry
Title: secrets
Day/Theme: 13. Cry
Series: Chronicles of Narnia
Character/Pairing: Susan, Lucy, Susan/Caspian
Rating: PG

There was a time--long after Susan had begun renouncing the existence of Narnia--when she fell ill, sick with fever, coughing wet and racking and shivering long into the night.

Lucy stayed with her deep into the night, hurting alongside her, wiping her forehead and holding her hand and crooning half-remembered lullabies until she reached a fitful sleep.

She rarely stayed in it long, though; it was a long night, and a hard one, and the doctor would not make house calls and Peter and Edmund were gone. And deep in the night, deep in delirium, in a voice as softly choked with pain as a child, Susan called one name again and again.

And that was why Lucy could never quite forgive her; because she knew that she was lying when she denied it, she knew Susan had never really, not truly forgotten Narnia, only pushed it away for all the pain it caused her, and frivolous or no, there was a core of Susan that still belonged to Narnia and had not simply forgotten it but rejected it.

And lost twofold.

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Back February 2009
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