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she's convinced she could hold back a glacier - Merlin BBC, "the night too dark by far"
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Merlin BBC, "the night too dark by far"
Title: the night too dark by far
Day/Theme: Grey
Series: Merlin BBC
Character/Pairing: Morgana/Gwen
Rating: R

Gwen asks, "what can I do to help?" her voice soft and close, dark hair curling against her cheek. Morgana reaches out and pulls her down, and the kiss is not so much sweet or romantic as it is desperate, and Morgana thinks she could cut herself to the bone on the edge of her own fear, flayed down the muscle and viscera.

The world is shades of gray, but Morgana sees blood set to the backdrop of her eyelids, and only Gwen is sweet and close enough to feel alive.

Gwen gathers her up in her arms like a child, breasts crushed together, Morgana's silk against the rough, warm fabric of Gwen's gown. Morgana knots her hands in Gwen's skirt, combs her fingers frantically through Gwen's hair, touches her to feel her warm and solid, to hear her soft and startled cry. Gwen is warm, and real, the hint of night chill lingering on her fingertips, and she says her name--"my lady, my lady, are you all right?"--and Morgana says, "almost."

She can't bring herself to let go.

She thinks, you feel so real as Gwen's lips part softly against her own, and she finds Gwen's skin beneath her skirts, and they both make it to the covers and beneath, rolling into the warm hollow Morgana's body has left. Morgana kisses Gwen's chin, the corner of her mouth, shakes with the nightmares that consume her from the inside out.

Tomorrow they'll probably be tired. Tomorrow there will be answers, and they'll even probably find the questions first. Tomorrow it won't be as simple as the quiet night, for once reassuring, and the warmth of Gwen's skin, her soft sure mouth and parted legs, her callused fingers and soothing croon that shudders when Morgana kisses along the curve of her breast, hungry and curious. Every touch anchors Morgana a little more in her own skin with the weight of her fascination.

"You keep me sane," she whispers, her voice cracking like eggshells, her soul unspeakably fragile, on the cusp of devastation.

"Oh Morgana," Gwen says, and kisses her deep and sweet.

The warmth closes over her and when she closes her eyes she sees only the dark and hears only Gwen's voice, and there is no room for death in her for now.

Current Mood: sleepy

User: [info]shiegra
Name: shiegra
Back February 2009
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