Svalin Thorsdottir's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Svalin Thorsdottir

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The First Step on the Path of Destiny [10 May 2009|09:22am]
Svalin Thorsdottir stood outside the massive entrance to Lord Odin's (otherwise known as Grandfather) hall. She had been grooming Tryggvi when she had received the summons to appear before Lord Odin within an hour. It was unusual to be summoned like this, or at all for that matter.

What could Lord Odin possibly want? Perhaps it was some sort of quest or maybe it was to help defend the Golden Realm. No matter what it could be, Svalin answered the summons and now stood at the base of the stairs leading up to the entrance to the hall.

She'd never admit it of course, but she was a little nervous.
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[ viewing | May 10th, 2009 ]
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