Svalin Thorsdottir's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Svalin Thorsdottir

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Fluff Meme - 6, 9 [11 Sep 2012|10:36pm]
Svalin sat on the bed in the quarters assigned to her at the JLA headquarters and sharpened her sword. They had been here for about a week and she was getting antsy sitting around so much. Thought Jon was a nice distraction. Svalin's cheeks turned red at the thought of Jon.

The past week with Jon had been amazing. He was handsome, intelligent, kind, thoughtful and a great warrior. It was no wonder Svalin had liked him from the first instant when she literally fell into his arms. She had never felt this way about a man before.

It was not to last. Svalin knew she had to eventually return home, but she didn't want to go. She wanted more time with Jon.
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