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not quite plot (title? pending) [11 Feb 2011|09:34pm]

1)      At some point following the various upheavals in Olympus, the call goes out for all full gods to return to Olympus to abandon interfering in human affairs and concentrate on protecting and rebuilding Olympus.


2)      Argo ignores this call.


3)      Someone/something from Olympus is sent to retrieve him.


4)      Battle between the Champions and the ____ from above.  Champions victory.


5)      Higher up individuals on the Olympian pantheon ladder descend to make the same demands.


6)      Argo tells them where they can stick it.  He will not abandon his love, his friends, or the world he loves so much.


7)      Argo is stripped of his immortality and something in the neighborhood of half his power.


8)      Resolution of this to be determined at some later point.

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"Love is Hell" [18 Sep 2010|10:05pm]

Pre-plot: Harmony convinces Argo to attend Mass with her; introduce elements of induced guilt for loving a pagan god.


1)      In spite of Argo’s efforts to disband the Fan Club, there remains one woman among them who refuses to see the truth and continues stalking him.  Unfortunately, one of those happens to be Oceania (who used the alias Sheena with Argo), a goddess and granddaughter of Poseidon.  She does not take rejection well, and does everything in her power to break Argo and Harmony up.


2)       These attempts fail, eventually ending in Oceania taking the direct route, and simply and literally throwing Harmony in front of a bus, killing her instantly.   Argo, in a fit of godly intuition and insight, is able to witness Harmony being dragged down to hell (on account of her guilt-feeling for loving a god, established in other postings).


3)      Refusing to accept this, nor the loss of Harmony, Argo bargains with Pluto for access to Mephisto’s hell realm, in exchange for a favor to be named later.


4)      Realizing the enormity of the task before him, but also realizing the majority of the Champions would be more endangered due to their particular alignments or faith, Argo recruits his brother Andy and worshipper Corey to aid him in this.


5)      Argo, Andy, and Corey descend into Hell, discovering it’s (for the purposes of this plot, at least), organized not unlike the levels of Dante’s Inferno.


6)--?) Travel through Hell, fighting various Dante's Inferno type challenges



x) Argo battles Mephisto, which ends with him punching him out.  He reclaims his lady love, and they all escape from hell.

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Character Assessments [04 Sep 2010|01:44am]
The almighty Son of Hercules is and remains one of my top three of my various characters (Rose and Dawn currently occupy the other top slots), and in part remains what he was intended to be: a kind of Hercules parody, with the buffoonery and partying and womanizing turned up to 11. He was always pretty much intended to be a static character, evening bordering on a joke character, not particularly learning any lessons or changing his behavior.

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