Russ Pearson [entries|friends|calendar]
Russel James Pearson

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one [05 Jan 2011|01:30pm]
I'm not very sociable through these things, so for those who know me, ignore this entry. For those who don't (like the little canon fodder known as freshmen!), consider this my introduction.

I am Russel James Pearson. Russ to my friends, to everyone Russel. I'm currently a senior here, and can't wait to get out of here and on with my life. I'm engaged to the lovely Sakura. (Who is missing currently. Anyone been able to find her? I can't seem to catch her long enough to say more than good morning before she's off again.) And, I am from the town of Lynchburg Tennessee. There's only two things worth mentioning that come from an otherwise dry and boring town. One of them is me. The other, is the best whiskey in the nation, possibly the world. Jack Daniels. I'll never understand why its a dry town, when its known for its alcohol

I'm a whiz at Astronomy, and have tried to talk the faculty into letting me take the reins, just once, on the class. I am far more qualified than the current teacher. Don't believe me? I'm sure we can discuss this some other time. I hate the limelight, so don't expect to see me being the center of attention. It won't happen. I'm quite happy being on the outer ring of the popular crowd.

I hate brooms. You will never see me on one. Why is that? Well, lets just say there was a nasty accident when I was little. I nearly died. I refuse to get back up on one.

My favorite color is blue. I'm a sucker for Italian and Mexican food. I enjoy a good book from time to time, and have quite the collection back home. Hmm, other than that, I'm just me. I have nothing else to say. So, I'm off to class. Later.
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[15 Dec 2010|08:26am]
Profile )
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[14 Dec 2010|09:51pm]
Class Schedule )
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