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C.C. and dragons. [12 Jan 2009|12:57pm]
[ mood | stupid dragons MATURE ]

You know, looking at C.C. from Code Geass, I realize just how much of a boring character she is. Granted, okay, she's not entirely bad. She's very beautiful and she can be kick ass, but overall, she's just... dull. And Sunrise likes using her as a prime example of their love for ridiculous amounts of fanservice alongside Kallen, so that's really annoying. But basically, I just don't see most of the appeal about her. It's for the same reason I don't see why everyone is batshit insane with Rei from Eva.

Don't get me wrong, I like enigmatic characters, male and female, but C.C. just... meh. That's what she is. Meh. Personally, if you ask me what my favorite type of female anime character is, it's the yandere and the outright fucking nuts girls I like best. Tsundere are okay from time to time. Yuuko isn't yandere or nutso, but she's enigmatic and mysterious without being a fucking cardboard cut out most of the time. Maybe that's a little harsh for C.C., but really, just... no.

That's just my opinion, though.

GODDAMMIT, I picked up a paper on my friend's account and I really want to transfer it to mine, but I can't until these fuckers mature. So any clicks would be loved. The paper has about five days left and I'm not really worried about it not hatching, but I'd really like it on my scroll ASAP so I know it's secure and shit lol.

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Also, the waifu and I created a joint account for our LJ crack community, crispdeathstare, and will feature all the inhabitants of our AU insane, crackified version of the SOL/MST3K. So far: orange = Crow, purple = Gypsy, gray = Dr. Crane (yes) and vine = Dr. Forrester. Gypsy is really fast.

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Also, uh, one last draggy? :3 It's Curry-tan's. THE PAPER IS MINE. [/Early] Adopt one today!

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[ viewing | January 12th, 2009 ]
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