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Gamera is really neat, he is full of turtle meat! [10 Feb 2009|10:17pm]
[ mood | meeehhuu ]
[ music | Radar Secret Service - MST3K ]

I am a Togetic!

I don't even care for Pokemon, but cute graphics and boredom get me every time...

Life has been fuuu. Still watchin' lots of MST3K. I'm on a kaiju fix. MST3K kaiju episodes are the beeeest. Also gonna watch Godzilla: Final Wars some time soon! This episode I'm "watching" right now sucks. Going to watch Gamera vs. Barugon next, weeee!

Excluding a handful of episodes I have on DVD, I've finished off the Joel saga. As much as I love Mike, and even though I grew up with Mike, Joel being gone just... It's so sad. ;m; I wish Joel was still around. ;m;m;m;


Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

One day I will get a paper and magi. \;m;/ The one time I'm looking for a black and/or green vine egg, there's none to be found. >/


QiangFeng is now a teenager! \;w;/

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[ viewing | February 10th, 2009 ]
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