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[UH EVENT -- SORT OF?] [29 Apr 2009|11:55pm]
Sasuke's turned off his phone, locked his door, and won't be showing up anywhere for like the next ... 4-5 days. So yeah, that includes work and shit. Just an fyi if your char would notice/care.

Anyone who tries to contact him will get absolutely nothing, so short of breaking into his house don't try. :|

Sorry little notes like these are kind of gay but it's how I have to explain shit for my anti-social chars. xD/done
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[24 Apr 2009|09:21pm]
I've gotten a new apartment finally. I moved in today. It's decent. Small, but the area is nice. Not in the middle of this congested city. I finally have a kitchen to cook real food in. Things are ... looking up, I guess.

Some things.

I hope you had a happy birthday, Tobi. Let me know if you like the gift, I have the gift receipt if not.

And I'm not apologizing for the fifth movie.

((OOC: A few pics of his place. It's a loft apartment. And there's definitely no furniture in there yet, so pretend it's bare.

Edited because I keep typoing, gdit.))
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[Event.] Tobi's present. You know the drill. [20 Apr 2009|05:45pm]
Under here. )
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[23 Mar 2009|11:46pm]
I've learned better than to accept anonymous gifts. Thanks but no thanks.

((OOC: Sasuke gave Oro's money to a random homeless bum. He doesn't like any of you. :|))
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