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Chris Strange

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Marvel Avengers Alliance [22 Aug 2013|09:25pm]
Chris Strange


Magic Student- Abilities have a 20% chance to fail. If this occurs Chris gains Lessons Learned which unlocks additional effects for his abilities and his next ability is guaranteed to succeed.


L1- Spell Blast- Single target ranged magic energy attack. Learning curve- Applies Dark Void. If target has Dark Void applies Deathfrost. If target has Deathfrost applies Soulfire. If Chris has Lessons Learned causes Brutal Strike and True Strike.

L2- Mystic Missles- Targets all enemies with a ranged energy magic attack. Causes Bane. If Chris has Lessons Learned attack gains deadly crits and high crits.

L6- Healing Light- Buff targets all allies. Healing Light heals for two turns. If Chris has Lessons Learned applies seraphim's light shield to all allies.

L9- Winds of Change- Buff Debuff targets all. Quick Action. Change of removing harmful status effect from all allies. Chance of removing beneficial status effects from all enemies. If Chris has Lessons Learned the chance component is removed from this and Lessons Learned is reapplied.
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Test Scene [07 Jul 2011|10:53pm]
Chris was sitting in his dad's study read. Or trying to read as the cast may be. He was having some trouble focusing on doing the reading right now. He knew it was important stuff but he just found himself more interested in looking around the room.

This was always so much easier when he did the practical stuff with dad.
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App [07 Jul 2011|07:07pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: on Record
AIM (if you have one): on Record
Character Name: Christopher "Chris" Strange
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Chris is 5' 8" and 139lbs and still growing. Chris has brown hair and brown eyes.
Age: 16
Birthday: April 28
PB: (If using one.) Dylan O'Brien


Personal Powers: Through training in the mystical arts with his father Doctor Strange Chris has developed these.

-Astral Projection for up to 12 hours

-Low Level Telepathy


Universal Sources: Chris has learned countless of these spells. Some of which are.

-Mystical Bolts






Divine Sources: Chris has learned how to use these and has used the Vishanti before those has not used the others yet.

Occult Knowledge: Chris is very knowledgeable of the occult especially for someone of his age

Advanced First Aid: Chris has learned advanced first aid from both of his parents though is in no way a medical expert.

Genius Level Intellect

Weaknesses and flaws: Chris despite his magic powers is otherwise a normal human.

Chris also has ADD which can make it hard to concentrate but usually takes Ritalin to counteract this which can make some spell casting harder or difficult for him to maintain though on the flip side sometimes this makes him extremely focused and harder to distract.

Chris is not the best on casting fast combat spells on the fly and is better at slower spells and enchantments.

Chris can not keep casting spells indefinitely and will eventually tire out.

Character location/Home: New York
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Stephan Strange (father), Linda Carter (mother)

Chris was born during Strange's and Carter's time together. While they did enjoy each others company there relationship never evolved past that even after Chris was born. As a result of this Chris spent fairly even time with his mother and with his father.

Chris's magical talents first manifested when he was eight while staying at his mother's hiding himself invisible when his mother wanted him to do chores. He could maintain his concentration well and the veil quickly disappear while his mother was in the room. After which Chris had a long talk with his father before his father started training him in the mystic arts.

Chris liked learning about magic from his dad and took to it almost as easily his his father had even if there were more than a few mishaps due to Chris's lack of concentration.

Recently when his father went missing for a while Chris stayed with him mom and didn't get a much practice with magic as he liked. Though he still tried when he could much to his mother's annoyance at times when a new spell might go wrong. Though now that his dad is back he is trying to make up for lost time.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: As additional magical support for the Avengers and others as needed.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Learn more about his magic and maybe cause some magical mayhem.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Become more powerful and develop more as a character.
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