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Baby Meme: Jordan Bochs and Cait Drake [08 Jun 2013|07:36pm]
A. Brandon Corey Bochs
B. Leo
C. They met during one of those gratuitous hero team battles, and just hit it off, once the misunderstanding was cleared up.
D. Tall, lithe, super-athletic with white hair and mostly blank eyes, though he sees just fine. Hair and eyes change color when he starts using his powers.
E. 1. Can take on the properties of things he touches with his bare skin. 2. Trains extensively with Uncle Mason to practice the potential of all sorts of materials. 3. Grew up wanting to be a super hero, with a new code name for himself every week, along with a perpetual towel or blanket stuck into the back of his shirts to be his cape until he was seven. 4. Well intentioned, but got the Drake mischief streak which keeps him in perpetual trouble - especially the time(s) he turned into puddles of water on the floor of the girls' locker room in his early-mid teens. 5. Predictably, as such, aside from Uncle Mason, Uncle Rufus is his other favorite person.
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Meme response [21 May 2013|03:08am]
A. Jeanne-Michelle Bochs
B. Leo
C. Long term relationships can lead to that sort of thing
D. Lean and athletic with dark hair
E. 1. Grew up trilingual... Parisian and Montreal French /are so/ different languages. 2. Grows far stronger and more invulnerable due to density increase as she shrinks. 3. Has the wings, but due to said density increase, they can't really let her fly - just help with the miniature Hulk-leaps. 4. Took more interest in Nevell - while applying the Bochs focus... currently working on a line of clothing that changes colors due to microelectronics. 5. Edna Mode is her heroine, and while she occasionally helps with the heroing, he real goal is to retire early to start designing gadgeted costumes for super heroes.
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Not the Great White North [29 Jan 2013|10:43am]
Ok, so Canada is not exactly known for its scenic beaches and top rated surfing. So, Jordan just has to occasionally take some vacation time to find somewhere to get some waves in. He invited the team along, at his expense, but Korra was the only one able to go, and seemed to relish the idea of some warm water for once.

He spent most of the day on the waves, and now is just enjoying relaxing on the beach now that things have gotten quieter.
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Christmas [23 Dec 2009|10:49pm]
Everyone on the team gets plane tickets, home, or anywhere else they want to go, with a couple exceptions.

Alex - gets a note explaining the revisions being made to the basic computers, security systems, recreational facilities and other features of the base with full instructions so that he can use every major feature of the base as easily as anyone else.

Mason - Gets new skis, a new mountain bike, and promisory notes for 4 dates, all expenses paid whenever he wants to call them in, with an upper limit of $150 per date.

Mel: In addition to the plane tickets, gets vinyl ABBA records autographed by the band
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