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Y u n a, daughter of Braska

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Prompt 001; who am I? [30 Mar 2008|12:11pm]
Who am I? That's a question I have often asked myself in the two years that have passed.

I am Yuna, daughter of Braska.

Everyone in Spira knows my father. He is the last High Summoner who defeated Sin and brought about the Calm ten years ago. I grew up in the temple on Besaid, raised by Yevonite priests and studying diligently while gazing up at the statue of my father, hoping with everything in my heart that I was making him proud. It was my only wish and everything I had ever strived for. I wanted to follow in his footsteps and bring happiness to Spira, even if only for a little while.

Yes, I am the daughter of Braska.

But during my pilgrimage, I didn't want to merely be known as the daughter of Braska. It can be... hard, when your father is so famous. Even though I wanted very much to follow in his own footsteps, I knew that people may think that I hadn't become a Summoner of my own free will, that I was only doing it out of obligation to the memory of my father. And some did, like Dona, who sneered at me for it. So, I introduced myself as Yuna, from the isle of Besaid. Besaid was as much a part of me as the memory of my loving, generous and selfless father. The quiet, peaceful island I grew up on with its beautiful beaches, its gardens and hidden lakes and groves. I lived peacefully in the central village with Lulu, Wakka, and Chappu. The free time I had when I wasn't writing Yevonite scripture over and over like all acolytes-in-training had done I spent playing with those three. Life was peaceful... though we knew that the peace would not last forever.

I am Yuna, daughter of Braska. I am Yuna, from the isle of Besaid, though I was born in Bevelle. Though now I have a new title, one I thought I would never live to see.

Yuna, the High Summoner who permanently defeated Sin.

There is no more shadow of chaos and death just waiting to unleash its maelstrom upon us, no more terror, no more rebuilding only to see destruction, no more worry of large cities attracting horror upon horror. Everyone in Spira seems at a complete loss of what to do with themselves... and I am no exception.

The time is long past when I would be studying Yevonite prayers and scripts; the religion that had deceived us all is finally no longer a major point in our lives. We no longer look to Yevon for everything. We are now forced to look to ourselves, and that is far scarier than looking to a doctrine for answers. Even worse, there are people now who come to me to find the answers they are so desperately looking for. I want to help them all, but how can I help them when I myself no longer truly know what there is out there? I rid Spira of a lie, and the truth of it all is... we have only ourselves to look to now, and when we've been led for so long... how do we look?

I don't have the courage to hurt everyone by telling them all that the High Summoner is just as lost as everyone else. Especially after the loss of him. I wonder... what would he say if he saw Spira now...

So, who am I? I have titles, I have experiences. I have gained and I have lost. I have endured. I wake in the morning and I greet the Besaid sun, I practise holding my breath under water (I have a two-minute and thirty second record; I'm looking for two-minutes and forty seconds soon!), and I receive the many guests who come to see the High Summoner and I address their concerns. But that doesn't tell me who I am.

I feel like I've hidden myself for so long that I can't answer that question right now. But I know that all I want to be is this.

I want to be Yuna.

I hope I'll find out who that is.

Muse: Yuna
Fandom: Final Fantasy X/X-2
Words: 697
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