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Welcome to the Tamagotchi Ocean! I am an avid collector of virtual pets, including the original Japanese Tamagotchi. Have a look around at my collection, comment and feel free to ask any and all questions. News updates, logs and other virtual pet information can be found below! :) Have a great day!
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Tamagotchi P2 (American)
One of the very first Tamagotchis. This is a generation 2. Meaning there was one other before it. The first generation was the first to come out. I also have a Japanese p1. I've managed to get almost every character on the P2. Apparently, there are two versions of the Japanese P2, known as "type 1" and "type 2". Type 1 appears to have most of the same characters as the American version and type 2 apparently has a special characters known as "Nyantchi" which is also found as a secret character on the American V2. You can tell the difference between the type 1 and type 2 because type 1 has a blue background in the packaging and type 2 has a red background in the packaging. Both the Japanese P2's have rice for food instead of a hamburger. From what I've seen there isn't much difference beyond this. Also, the eggs on the Japanese P2's are different from each other. I give the P2 a 9 out of 10 just like the P1.

Here are some pictures of the ones I currently own:

American P2

Japanese P2 Type 1

Japanese P2 Type 2

This is my silver European version:

Here are some pictures of two of my favorite characters:


I got my Generation 2 for Christmas when they first came out. I'm guessing it was probably for about $10-12. Now you can find them running for about $30-200. I got the European version for very cheap at only $20, but they usually go for way more now. Auctions are usually the cheaper ones but I would hold out for a cheap "BUY IT NOW" deal if you can :) If you see one for over $40 then do not bother buying it unless it is a Special Edition or something because that seller is most likely a rip-off. These are not terribly rare so they should not be expensive.

Gen 2 Growth Chart

(NOTE: If this is your chart and you would like it removed, please contact me ASAP and I will comply.)


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