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Welcome to the Tamagotchi Ocean! I am an avid collector of virtual pets, including the original Japanese Tamagotchi. Have a look around at my collection, comment and feel free to ask any and all questions. News updates, logs and other virtual pet information can be found below! :) Have a great day!
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Back January 2014
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Morino (Japanese Forest Tamagotchi aka Forestgotchi)!
The Forest Tamagotchi, also known as the Mori No, is a motion sensitive Tamagotchi much like the Ocean and Angelgotchis. This one is different though in that there are two growth chart possiblities since there are two different eggs you can choose from at start-up. The foods also change depending on the character. I really like the designs of this one. It's a pity they didn't release it in America!

Here are some pictures of the ones I currently own:



I got mine for $37 and you can still find them at this price. They currently run for around $45-65. Prices have gone up sadly :( There are always about 2-5 or more on eBay at any given time.

Forest Tamagotchi Growth Chart


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