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.007 - FML [
May the 28th @ 07:08pm
So, my car crapped out on me again. No big surprise. It's been rattling like a maraca for the last week.

At least this time it didn't abandon me miles from home, in the pouring rain and leave me at the mercy of an insane weatherman.

See that? That was optimism.

Also, for the record, the next person who tells me how sorry they are is going to find themselves on fire. That's all.

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May the 15th @ 02:17am
T.E.A.M. )

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.006 -- w00t [
April the 30th @ 06:40pm
I can hardly contain my excitement. Tomorrow is going to be epic. Hopefully. If it's not, I foresee angry mobs burning down the movie theater. Probably led by our very own Alena.

Just so you know, Le, no I will not pack a torch and pitchfork 'just in case'.

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.005 -- FUCK [
March the 22nd @ 08:56pm
You know what Mr. Sidhu?


Seriously. You want to shuffle off MY hours so that YOUR spoiled little sixteen year-old douchebag of a son can have more hours, then have the FUCK at it. Better yet, why don't you be a FUCKING MAN and tell me to my GOD DAMN FACE, rather than making up some half-baked excuses about how I get frustrated too often. I'M TOO FUCKING STONED TO BE FRUSTRATED, MOTHERFUCKER. Stupid, fat fucker, cutting me down to three fucking days a week. WHO CAN SURVIVE ON THAT? FUCKING NO ONE. So don't cry or some shit whenever I go get another fucking job, and you can't find someone who'll work every ungodly shift that you schedule them.


((Translated: Rae is having a bad day at work, so Lucy pays the price.))

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.004 -- wrawr. [
March the 13th @ 06:41pm
Dude...fuck the cost of cigarettes. Fucking tax increases.

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.003 -- Human Bean Juice [
March the 8th @ 09:01pm
I went, I saw...I actually kind of liked it. Okay, I really liked it.

Sorry, Mr. Lee. Alan Moore wins this round.

Ow, my soul.

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.002 -- Don't kiss me bitch, you just threw up.... [
February the 17th @ 07:00pm
Insomnia is not a pretty thing. It leads to a lot of regrettable music downloads, and some unfortunate snack choices.

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.001 -- Do....or do not....there is not try. [
February the 3rd @ 01:26am
Watching all six Star Wars movies in a row is hazardous to your health. They should put some sort of surgeon general warning on the side of the case.

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January the 30th @ 02:02am
profile )

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