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Marvel Next Gen Application [06 Jan 2010|02:33pm]

NextGen Application (Canon and OC)

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nicole
Email: DeadlyGambit2 at aol dot com
AIM (if you have one): DeadlyGambit2
Character Name: Alisa "Temperance"
Character LJ (if applicable): temperance
Physical description (face, build, weight): Alisa has shoulder length auburn colored hair with four inches of her hair dyed black at the tips, pale skin, and red on black eyes. She stands at 5' 8" in height, 6’ with four inch heels on. She weighs close to one hundred and thirty eight pounds, and somewhat voluptuous looking.
Age: 18 (But has a good fake ID that says she’s 21)
Birthday: April 24th
PB: Looking for
Abilities: Genius level intelligence (when she uses it) and telekinetic powers (able to lift up to two tons with her mind so far, possibly more if she is better trained)
Weaknesses and flaws: Alisa has “daddy” issues, along with other issues from an unstable up-bringing in the system. She’s rather promiscuous as well.
Character location/Home: New Orleans, Louisiana
Alignment (villain, hero etc.): Neutral

Relatives (living/dead?): Clone of Mister Sinister (Though she does not know that)

Alisa was created in one of Sinister’s labs in the United States. She was created through a mixture of his DNA, and that of other mutants to be a new “host” body for him. Though things did not turn out as planned. Someone broke into Sinister’s lab, destroying a majority of his machines. When Alisa was found, instead of being destroyed, she was taken away and placed in front of a hospital in New Orleans.

Since no one claimed her, Alisa was placed into the child care system of New Orleans. Unfortunately, no one wanted to adopt a mutant child, so Alisa was placed in various group homes and facilities throughout her young life. By the time she was fifteen years old, she had become a somewhat angry young woman. There was no stability in her life, and the child care system she was forced into was a joke. She decided to run away from it all, thinking anything was better than living in a broken system where human children took priority over her.

On the streets, Alisa used her intelligence to hustle people out of money. She learned to hack ATM’s, pick pockets, and eventually learned to strip in the Big Easy. Now that she has turned eight-teen, she has legally aged out of the system and cannot be returned to it. All she has now are her talents on the streets, her good looks, and a dump of an apartment in the quarter.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Alisa usually hangs out in dive bars, pool halls, and strip clubs in the quarter. Anywhere with cheap drink, tourists, and locals looking for a good time. Anyone visiting the City for fun could easily find her at one of these hang outs.

What are you planning to do with this character? Alisa is not really hero material, but could go either way. She could eventually become a hero, or she could become a villain. Right now, she is just a petty thief, and stripper in the Quarter.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I would like Alisa to finally discover and feel worthy to be part of a family as well as have friends she can rely on when needed. To find self-worth and some esteem. That or perhaps Sinister coming back to re-claim her and finding some good use for her.

Sample post:
Alisa walked along the streets of New Orleans. It was a somewhat boring day, not enough tourists and too many locals about. She had a reputation, sure, but most of her money was made off of pick pocketing or sweet talking the tourists of this town. She smiled, seeing one passing her by. It was quite obvious they were a tourist. Terrible Mardi Gras hat, Hawaiian dress shirt, camera around the neck, stereotypical tourist to be sure! As they passed, she quickly picked the man's wallet with a gleeful smile. She'd hack the guys ATM card, and be able to live in her apartment for another month or two! Life could not get sweeter than this! Taking the cards out of the wallet along with any spare cash, she dropped the wallet in a fashion that would not garner a whole lot of attention and kept on her merry way.

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