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Poppetstown using the design of the OLPC? [15 Jan 2010|09:30am]
Is it just me, or does the laptop on Poppetstown:

look like an early version of the OLPC, with crank handle

but with some of the newer design features, such as the wireless ears?

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The Bugcast, episode 92, broadcasting live tonight!! [15 Jan 2010|06:51pm]
Another week, another show, another live broadcast!

Yes indeed, episode 92 of The Bugcast will be broadcasting live in The Bugcast Chatroom from 21:00 UK time tonight.

A very interesting choice of music this week, even if I say it myself :o)

Come along and join the fun, as we come to terms with the ever-closer arrival of episode 100!!
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[ viewing | January 15th, 2010 ]
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