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The Bugcast, episode 93, broadcasting live tonight... [22 Jan 2010|06:21pm]
As my fortnight off work draws to a close, we bring you episode 93 of The Bugcast which will be broadcasting live tonight from 21:00 UK time in The Bugcast Chatroom.

Now, tonight there some amazingly eclectic music, including a track from Sweden which incorporates at least 8 differing genres that you certainly wouldn’t expect to hear in the same track!

Add that to our usual cocktail of other great music and some great chat, and you have a recipe for an amazing Friday night’s entertainment. You’d be daft to miss it!

If you’re reading this and you haven’t got a clue what I’m talking about, there’s a link and a time above. Click the link at around the time :o)
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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2010 ]
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