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The Bugcast, episode 95, broadcasting live tonight... [05 Feb 2010|07:00pm]
Ok... we are creeping ever closer to the 100th episode and 2 year anniversary of The Bugcast. This is both scary and exciting at the same time!

So, with only 5 to go after this one to the century milestone, The Bugcast episode 95 will be broadcast live in The Bugcast chatroom from 21:00 UK time tonight.

Cracking music and chat, and the maiden voyage of the live show on our new broadband connection. Come along and see if it works!! :o)
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The Bugcast - Episode 095 - LIVE [05 Feb 2010|11:41pm]
Episode 095 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

Bugs, drama, bruised coccyx, and a fairly lengthy discussion about security... you couldn’t make it up!!

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[ viewing | February 5th, 2010 ]
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