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The Bugcast episode 104 broadcasting tonight... don't miss it!! [09 Apr 2010|07:24pm]
Yes, episode 104 of The Bugcast is broadcasting tonight from 21:00 UK time.

... but not live. What is all that about???

Well, you’ll have to head along to The Bugcast Chatroom and find out! :o)
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The Bugcast - Episode 104 - Podswap!! [09 Apr 2010|10:07pm]
Episode 104 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

Guest-hosted this week by Rowley Cutler from Dark Compass as part of the AMP Podswap. Don’t forget to check out our recording of Dark Compass 411 too!

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[ viewing | April 9th, 2010 ]
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