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The Bugcast - Episode 105 [16 Apr 2010|06:43pm]
The Bugcast episode 105 will be broadcast live in The Bugcast chatroom from 21:00 UK time tonight.

Dave and Caroline are back again for a musical journey down memory lane, playing some of the best tracks that we’ve played over the last two years. Not all of the best tracks, mind you... there wlll be some noticeable omissions, but it’s still a cracking collection of tunes.

Come along and join us for this musical special.
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The Bugcast - Episode 105 - LIVE [16 Apr 2010|10:32pm]
Episode 105 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

A musical journey down memory lane, as Dave and Caroline play some of the best tracks they’ve played since The Bugcast started. Let me tell you, that wasn’t an easy task!

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[ viewing | April 16th, 2010 ]
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