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The Bugcast, episode 080, broadcasting live tonight... [16 Oct 2009|06:19pm]
The Bugcast, episode 080, will be broadcast live tonight at 21:00 UK time in The Bugcast Chatroom.

Head along for some fun, frolics and fantastic music.

Also, have a look at the new-look website and let me know what you think! :o)
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The Bugcast - Episode 080 - LIVE [16 Oct 2009|10:43pm]
Episode 080 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

Amy’s birthday is coming up, schooling from age 6, social networking in the news, and some more awesome music!

Don’t forget to visit the redesigned website at thebugcast.org.

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The Bugcast, episode 079, broadcasting live tonight... [09 Oct 2009|06:12pm]
The Bugcast, episode 079, will be broadcast live tonight in the Bugcast Chatroom from 21:00 UK time.

Come and join me and Caroline as we play some cracking music and explore the depths of areas that should never have to be explored. Ever.
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The Bugcast - Episode 079 - LIVE [09 Oct 2009|10:53pm]
Episode 079 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

Health, pub crawls, promos and some great music! :o)

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Right, an update on Caroline follows... [06 Oct 2009|01:40am]
Right, first off, thank you to everyone who commented on my Twitter and Facebook posts during the evening. I don’t know if I’ll have the opportunity to reply to each individual comment, but please know that Caroline and I have read them all, and your support has been overwhelming.

Now, I’m not going to go into too much detail here, as that’s not my place to do, but this is what I can tell you.

Caroline passed out today. The third ever time in her life. She doesn’t know how long she was out for. One minute she felt uncomfortable, the next minute a stabbing pain, and then she was on the floor having banged her head a good’un on a storage unit.

She’s gonna get a cracking bruise on her cheek, and then she’s going to tell everyone that I did it! LOL

Anyway, she called NHS Direct, who put her straight through to a nurse. They then referred her to our out-of-hours surgery. They then said that we should go to the ED straight away. So Caroline’s parents came up to babysit, and we left virtually straight away.

*cut for manic boredom and needles*

Caroline has had blood tests, obs and analgesia. She’s now on the surgical assessment ward waiting until tomorrow when she’ll get examined with a camera. *gweep*

My mother-in-law is going to look after the kids tomorrow, and *typetty-type* I’ve just emailed my boss saying that I won’t be in tomorrow.

I’m now off to bed.
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Hotels booked everywhere... [04 Oct 2009|12:56pm]
So, yesterday I booked us a couple of hotels for upcoming events.

One in Aldershot on 31 October for my school reunion
One in Stevenage on 21 November for the Podcrawl in London

I could get used to this “being sociable” lark! ;o)
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The Bugcast - Episode 078 - LIVE [02 Oct 2009|11:07pm]
Episode 078 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

Podcasts, podcasting, podcasters, Nanapoopoo(!) and some great music! :o)

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Yet another classic Moo quote... [27 Sep 2009|09:48am]
Amy is sitting on the floor at my Mum's, drawing on some paper which is
resting directly on the floor. She has repeatedly been told to use a board
or book to rest her paper on.

Caroline: "Amy, for the last time, use the green board or I'll take the
pencils off you!"
Amy: "Ok, Mummy."
Caroline sighs and rolls her eyes...

Caroline: "Men!"

Me: *facepalm*
Caroline: *facepalm*
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My girls... [27 Sep 2009|02:07pm]
Spot the sleeper...
2009-09-27 15.02.49.jpg

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There's comfort... [27 Sep 2009|02:08pm]
... for one of them, at least! LOL
2009-09-27 15.04.35.jpg

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Grammatical syntax distinction (or Amy is getting smarter)... [26 Sep 2009|08:17am]
A conversation a few minutes ago:

Cara called Amy something silly
Amy (in mock shock): “Daddy, did you hear what Cara just called me?”
Me: “Yes, I did. She can say that though, because she has a big bum!”
Amy: *giggle*
Cara (in mock shock): “My not big bum, my pest!” (Translation: “I’m not a big bum, I’m a pest!”)
Amy: “No Cara, you have a big bum!”
Me (in real shock): *jaw drop*

Amy made the distinction between being something and having something, in a very brief and passing conversation. I was so impressed with that!

Incidentally, the reason that Cara says “My” instead of “I” is because she hasn’t made the distinction between “Your” and “You’re” yet. She knows “Your” in the possessive sense, so when we say things like “You’re a big bum”, she’s responding to “Your” with “My”, as opposed to “You’re” and “I am”. I have tried (in vain) to explain the distinction, but I just get silly grins in return... so it’s either as I suggested here, or she’s just being downright cheeky.

Either possibility is as likely as the other! :o)
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Positivity #6: The Show... [25 Sep 2009|11:25pm]
[info]talodi tagged me to do this, and this is day 6. Well, actually it’s day 7 as I missed day 6. In fact, it’s now day 8 as it’s gone midnight, but whatever...

  1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it’s just a small thing.
  2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
  3. Tag eight (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same.

The Show...

I’ve been podcasting for over 18 months now, and a member of AMP for just over a year. In this time, I’ve struggled to gain an identity and make an impression on the podcasting community. As it stands now, I’ve probably got 50% more listeners now, than I did when I first started back in March 2008... but it’s not about the numbers. It’s about the people. I’ve always had the support from my core listener-base, consisting mostly of friends and family, but of recent weeks I’ve also had support from my podcasting peers. Maybe it’s because they know I mean business? Because they know I’m taking it seriously? Whatever the reason, I don’t know.

But it creates a glow within me that I just cannot explain. Friends and family will always accept who you are and what you do. That’s a wonderful thing... but the peers of your “profession” have no such obligation. To receive comments, support and even praise... well, it’s just amazing.

Podcasting has become a big part of my life, and I owe a lot of that to the support of the podcasting and listening communities.

Having said all that, if you could see your way to helping me bring my regular listener base up beyond 35... ;o)

Positivity #6: I tag [info]davey_speedstar to do this.
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The Bugcast, episode 77, broadcasting live tonight [25 Sep 2009|04:27pm]
The Bugcast, episode 77, will be broadcast live tonight from 21:00 UK time
in The Bugcast Chatroom.

Come along and see what the fuss is all about! :o)

I'll be there, as will Caroline.

Will you?
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The Bugcast - Episode 077 - LIVE [25 Sep 2009|10:26pm]
Episode 077 of The Bugcast is now ready for you to download or subscribe to.

We discuss books, social events, and how the music researcher selected some amazing tracks this week! ;o)

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Positivity #5: Before The Dawn... [23 Sep 2009|10:42pm]
[info]talodi tagged me to do this, and this is day 5. So many little things made me happy today, that it just wouldn’t do justice to single out one, so...

  1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it’s just a small thing.
  2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
  3. Tag eight (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same.

Before The Dawn...

One of my favourite Evanescence tracks at the moment. I don’t know why it makes me feel happy... it’s not exactly a feel-good track, but the song, the words, the Lee-Hodges vocal mix (which I absolutely adore)... all make this song for me.

Sorry about the YouTube video... I have no idea what it’s supposed to represent. Perhaps close your eyes? :o)

Positivity #5: I tag [info]slooj to do this.
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Dinner... [22 Sep 2009|07:59pm]
Last night’s dinner
2 Quorn sausages
2 fried eggs
1 baking potato’s worth of handmade chips
½ tin of spaghetti

Tonight’s dinner
2½ egg omelette
1 layer noodles
1 savoury rice - Chinese

Much and many nomness.
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[poll] Movie Quotes #2 [22 Sep 2009|10:05pm]
Over four and a half years ago, I did my first Movie Quotes quiz. It was fairly successful, so I thought I'd do another one. As before, this is based on some of my favourite movies.

All you have to do is tell me what film each quote comes from.

Please don't cheat, I'll know if you have! :oP

Don't forget you can always do some now and finish off later, follow this link.

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Positivity #4: Cooking... [22 Sep 2009|10:19pm]
[info]talodi tagged me to do this, and this is day 4. I’m cutting it close to the midnight deadline, but I’m still hangin’ in there...

  1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it’s just a small thing.
  2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
  3. Tag eight (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same.


This will be a short one, as I’m on my way to bed.

What made me happy today? Cooking dinner for me and Caroline.

Why? I have no idea, I just know that whilst I was cooking dinner, and humming to myself... it made me smile.

Positivity #4: I tag [info]helley to do this.
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Positivity #3: One of the three most important things in my life... [21 Sep 2009|08:57pm]
[info]talodi tagged me to do this, and this is day 3. I could get used to this posting lark...

  1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it’s just a small thing.
  2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
  3. Tag eight (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same.

One of the three most important things in my life...


Need I say more?

Particularly when she posts things like, “If it wasn’t for Dave, I never would have...”.

Positivity #3: I tag [info]novemberbug to do this.
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Positivity #2: Extended Families... [20 Sep 2009|10:04pm]
[info]talodi tagged me to do this, and this is day 2. If I’m not careful, I could get into the habit of posting regularly. Can’t have that now...

  1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it’s just a small thing.
  2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
  3. Tag eight (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same.

Extended Families

Families... who’d have them? Well, as it would happen, I have an awesome family. But I am also blessed with a number of extended families, who I just could not do without.

  • There’s my work family, and a better bunch of people you’d be hard pushed to find.
  • There’s my family of friends - you know who you are
  • There’s my online family - an amazing group of people
  • There’s my church family - whom I had the pleasure to be in the company of this evening

I’m sure there are more, but it’s late and I’m struggling as it is!

My entire family, extended or otherwise, are simply amazing.

Positivity #2: I tag [info]stainsteelrat to do this.
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