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Emma Frost

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[27 Jan 2012|08:01pm]
It was unlike Emma to stay in bed past seven in the morning but today it was nearly nine and she hadn't stirred.  The past had caught up with her.  All of the things that her mind had buried or had stripped out had been restored and she felt raw.  She also wasn't certain how things were going to be with Scott now.  Namor showing up as he had with a child he claimed was their daughter in tow had been a shock to Emma.  Would it be nuclear to Scott?  For the first time in a long time Emma was afraid and simply didn't want to get out of bed.
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Application [31 May 2010|09:56pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Nix
Email: you know it
AIM (if you have one): you know it
Character Name: Emma Frost
Character LJ (if applicable): thewhitequeen
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5' 10", 144 pounds, blue eyes, blonde hair (dyed, natural hair color is medium-light brown).  She has no visible scars or imperfections and is, frankly, gorgeous.
Age: A lady never gives her true age.  One can guess that she's probably in her forties though.
Birthday:  I'm giving her a stock birthday of January 1st.
PB: (If using one.)  Naomi Watts
Abilities:  Telepathy--Emma is an exceptionally gifted telepath who has been referred to both as "omega-level" and  as a "psi of the highest order".  In canon, it depends on who is writing her as to whether or not she's actually omega-level or if she's one click beneath it.  For game purposes, I am going to say that she has only ever exhibited telepathy at the one click below omega level.  Specifics of her ability (copied from Wikipedia): capable of extraordinary psionic feats, including the telepathic standards of: broadcasting and receiving thoughts, mind-control, altering perceptions and memories, psychic shielding, astral projection, mind switching, brain engram modification, mental sedation, and induction of mental pain via touch.  She is also able to boost or activate a mutant's powers through access of their brain's neurological pathways and can communicate across global distances unaided.

Diamond form: Emma can turn into an organic diamond.  In this form she does not feel pain, cold or heat, neither does she need food or water or sleep.  She can support incredible amounts of weight and is generally invulnerable.  She also has a a degree of telepathic immunity in diamond form and can glow in darkness (though only slightly.)

Innate traits:  Emma holds multiple college degrees, is a superb businesswoman, is exceptionally organized, and is an electronics expert.
Weaknesses and flaws:  Emma is human, so there are those weaknesses.  Telepathically, while she would be difficult to defeat, a gifted enough telepath could do her harm.  Additionally in her diamond form Emma has a flaw which, if exploited, could literally shatter her.

Character location/Home:  Boston/NYC/London

Alignment (villain, hero etc): hero...ish.

Relatives (living/dead?): Children: Anastasia Summers (dimensionally challenged) Christina Frost, Kassia McKenzie.  Additionally: Winston Frost, father (deceased),  Hazel Frost, mother (deceased),  Cordelia Frost, sister, Adrienne Frost, sister, (deceased), Christian Frost, brother, Steven Frost, brother-in-law, (deceased);  Celeste Cuckoo,  Phoebe Cuckoo, Mindee,  Esme Cuckoo(deceased),  Sophie Cuckoo (deceased), clone daughter, thousands of unnamed clones(deceased)

Backstory:  As accepted for game play:  http://marvelnextgen.wetpaint.com/page/Frost,+Emma

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:  De's cooking up a plot that involves X-Force and such that will also cross over into involving Kassia.  Her father is trying to get revenge on her mother for previous evils regarding Kassia.  Things will start involving Emma when Kassia contacts her sister, Christina, and Christina in turn goes to Emma.

What are you planning to do with this character?   She's mostly going to be around for a plot that De's cooking up and then after that as a supporting adult character, mostly for the three Frostlings in game but for others as well. 

What do you want to see happen with this character?:  Redeem (to some extent) her relationship with her two daughters from this dimension and build a relationship of sorts with the daughter from another dimension.

Sample post:

I can do a scene if you prefer.  I'm cool.  :)
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Expectations. [08 May 2010|02:32am]
Emma was naturally an early riser.  It wasn't unusual for her to greet the sunrise and start her day well before others did simply because she was a woman who always had Things To Do.  In recent weeks though she'd been sleeping later.  Morning would come and she was slower to get out of bed, sometimes even still clinging to the last tendrils of sleep when Scott came back into the room after showering. It just wasn't normal, not like her but with all the stress it would have been easy to brush it off as a consequence of the troubling days.

But jumping up from bed to run bolt into the bathroom and vomit--loudly--would be far harder to brush aside.
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