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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
*is even later so there*

1. One True Pairing Ship: I... don't really have one in WW. Except maybe Chelsea/sex.
2. Canon Ship: Jen/Morgan, Angelo/Beth
3. "If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: I'm gonna have to agree with you and say Lionel/Gabrielle. Better yet, I'll stab out someone else's eyes.
4. "You are one sick puppy" Ship: Theo/Mercy.
5. "I dabble a little" Ship: Eva/Hadian DON'T JUDGE ME.
6. "It's like a car crash" Ship: Seb/Viola.
7. "Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: Ninel/Michael.
8. "Makes no canon sense but why the heck not" Ship: Vivian/Frost I SAID DON'T JUDGE ME.
9. "Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Again, I don't feel like we have one.

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