a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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50 Sentences on Margaret Anne Dresden [20 Jan 2008|08:29pm]
Aka, Maggie the Younger.

01. Walk
Maggie used to walk with her parents in the twilight, until she got old enough to realize that they’d rather be by themselves; then she walked with Julia, sometimes Arthur, or even later than that, with Simon.
Now she walks alone.

02. Beauty
Julia is the beauty in the family, with golden hair and sapphire eyes and a bright ringing laugh; Maggie is her darker shadow, in temperament as well as looks.

03. Catch
Everyone else has someone, her parents, her sister, her friends, even her mentor; but who will catch her when she stumbles?
Follow the cut for the rest. )
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