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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Fic: Desperate Measures [13 Feb 2008|12:22pm]
Title: Desperate Measures (1/4)
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Up to White Night. Also set in my Dresdlet-verse and follows Persistent Illusion.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Margaret Dresden has been dead for two years, and now she's coming home.
Notes: This chapter cowritten by Puck. All of it beta'd with loving mild insanity by Pris.

Desperate Measures )
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Fic: If There's Going to be Any Hysterics... [13 Feb 2008|12:35pm]
Title: If There's Going to be Any Hysterics... (ch. 2)
Fandom: Dresden Files (TV)/The Mummy
Spoilers: Spoils the film The Mummy and probably What About Bob? and Soul Beneficiary.
Rating: PG
Summary: Jonathan informs his sister of the Council's latest... assignment. Follows If There's Going to be Any Hysterics, They'll Come From Me!
Notes: So apparently Hysterics lied when it told me it was finished. Tsk. Warning: crack.

Evy! )
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