a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

[ website | Fool's Gold: A Dresden Files RP ]
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[27 Apr 2008|12:00pm]
[info]100moods: Dresden Files, Harry/Murphy.

001.Accomplished: Beyond Words 002.Amused 003.Angry: Passion 004.Annoyed: Snow 005.Anxious
006.Apathetic 007.Aroused: Interrupt 008.Awake 009.Blank 010.Bored
011.Bouncy 012.Broken: Collapse 013.Calm 014.Cheerful 015.Chipper
016.Cold 017.Confused: Lost in Translation 018.Content: Asking for Trouble 019.Cranky: Day One 020.Crazy
021.Creative: Overtime 022.Crushed 023.Curious 024.Cynical 025.Depressed: Distance
026.Determined: Consequences 027.Devious 028.Disappointed 029.Ditzy 030.Drained
031.Ecstatic 032.Embarrassed: Little Secrets 033.Enamored 034.Energetic 035.Enraged: A Modest Proposal
036.Enthralled 037.Envious 038.Excited 039.Exhausted: Precious Moments 040.Flirty: Reunions
041.Frustrated 042.Giddy: Narrow Squeak 043.Giggly: Undignified 044.Gloomy 045.Good
046.Grieving: Persistent Illusion 047.Grumpy 048.Guilty: Nightmares 049.Happy 050.Hopeful
051.Impressed 052.Indescribable 053.Indifferent 054.Intimidated 055.Jealous
056.Kinky: Chivalradar 057.Lazy 058.Lethargic 059.Listless 060.Lonely
061.Loved 062.Melancholy: Waiting 063.Mischievous 064.Moody 065.Morose
066.Naughty 067.Nervous: Tick 068.Nostalgic: A Picture's Worth 069.Numb: Regard 070.Optimistic: Celestial
071.Peaceful 072.Pensive 073.Pessimistic 074.Playful 075.Pleased
076.Predatory 077.Productive: Productive Day 078.Refreshed 079.Rejected: Dreaming 080.Relaxed
081.Relieved: Connection 082.Romantic 083.Restless 084.Sad 085.Satisfied
086.Sinful 087.Scared 088.Shocked 089.Sick 090.Silly
091.Stressed 092.Surprised 093.Sympathetic 094.Thankful 095.Thoughtful
096.Touched 097.Uncomfortable 098.Vulnerable: Fragile Things 099.Weird 100.Worried
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[27 Apr 2008|08:50pm]
Title: Asking for Trouble
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: None, but it's set somewhere between Summer Knight and Death Masks.
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry gets in trouble.

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