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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Sarah Jane Adventures reaction post [01 Dec 2008|11:22pm]
BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG *squee!* Brig! He's still his awesome awesome self! I love him. Kind of a lot. I want him to be my awesome grandpa. THE BRIG IS MADE OF WIN YOU GUYS.

Also, Sarah Jane's moment in the factory where she's all, "If you touch my son I will seriously fucking kill you I swear to all I hold most sacred and I will do it with an axe and I will enjoy it"? I squeed. Kind of a lot. My roommate is disgusted with me.

The major is completely hitting on the Brig. A couple times.

Oh, man. Sarah Jane Smith is not amused.

And dear Mrs. Wormwood? Luke has a mum. And here's a hint: SHE'S NOT YOU.

...seriously? OMG. SERIOUSLY? OMG.

OMG OMG OMG OMG awesome awesome awesome episode. SO COOL! SO SO SO COOL! *cannot wait for next Monday!*
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