a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Check it! [13 Dec 2008|06:19pm]
Someday, when I am rich, I am going to buy all of my jewelry from this woman. I did buy myself a Vorkosigan-themed necklace this time around, because it was freaking gorgeous and surprisingly affordable for my poor-student status. I know that some of y'all reading this are not poor like me, so you might want to go and check out her jewelry sale. Do it quick, though, 'cause it ends on Sunday.

Seriously, though? She makes beautiful jewelry. Bookmark the page. Seriously. Seriously.

And yes, I'll post pictures when I get my shinies of love. Because wow.
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[ viewing | December 13th, 2008 ]
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