a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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[16 Dec 2008|01:43pm]
Dear friends, I have a problem.

I am reading The Scarlet Pimpernel, and I have come across a sentence that I cannot make out at all. If you would be so good in helping me to decipher it?

"Her very soul recoiled in horror from these excesses, to which she feared her brother Armand--moderate republican as he was--might become one day the holocaust."
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spreading fandom cheer! [16 Dec 2008|02:37pm]
I have done thus far:

1) Part of my Yuletide fic.
2) Three short fics for fandom_stockings.
3) Half a much longer fic for fandom_stocking.
4) Various proportions of fanmixes.

I will do:

1) The rest of my Yuletide fic and the fandom_stocking fic.
2) An A/C fic that I promised first_seventhe in trade.
3) Themed fandom Christmas cards (Puck! In unrelated news, I need your new address!).
4) Some presents (Puck! In unrelated news, I really need your new address!).
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