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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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meta_writer meme [12 Aug 2009|09:38pm]
[ music | MIDDLEMAN (dun) ]

1. How often do you write a week?

I try to write every day. Sometimes it's a paragraph (most of the time), sometimes it's a chapter (ha, yeah, I wish). It's easier on me as long as I do it every day, though. Part of the routine.

2. Do you carry a notebook with you? Is it full of stuff to do with writing?

Yes, and sort of. It's got some writing stuff in it, but most of it is just scribbles of dialogue or random doodles or the occasional class notes or... well, yeah, it kinda is all to do with writing, but that's because everything has to do with writing.

3. Do you only write when inspired?

LULZ no. If I waited for inspiration I'd never get anything done.

4. Can you self edit?

To some extent. I'm an English-major ninja with grammar and spelling and I can notice big "WTF" sins that I've committed, but for the small stuff, I need outside eyes.

5. How do you feel about critique?

I love it beyond belief, as long as it is honest and well-meant.

6. How do you feel about rejection?

Eh, I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. Rejection happens. Shrug, save it if it's a good one, rejoice if it's not a form letter and submit the story to the next one.

7. Are you misunderstood?

Frequently, usually when I make bad puns.

8. Is your writing misunderstood?

Uh... what? If it is, I screwed up somewhere.

9. Do you consider writing a craft? An art?

In some respects, yes. It certainly can be, especially if you approach it that way. But it's also a hobby, a business, a fun thing to do, a job, a strain, any number of bloody things. It's writing, it just is.

10. Have your relationships suffered because of writing?

Not... really. If anything, they've improved.

11. Has your job suffered?

I sort of occasionally pay more attention to what's going on in my head than what I'm supposed to be doing at my job, and thus screw up. But that's very infrequent.

12. Do you ever get smacked with inspiration?

Occasionally. Usually in the form of bits of dialogue, an image, or a brief scene if I'm lucky. Never anything longer.

13. How much of writing is talent (%age), inspiration, and hard work?

10% talent, something like 5% inspiration, and 85% hard work. Or more hard work, possibly.

14. And most importantly - do you enjoy writing?

Of course! If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it.

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