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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Okay, this time I had a good excuse. [02 Jun 2010|12:06am]
And I will strive not to get behind again.

Day 14 - Favorite male character
GUYS. Stop making me play favorites. It never ends well.
BSG: Tie between Adama pere and Helo.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: GILES. <3333333 Giles.
Castle: Actually it's probably Demming. *shifty eyes*
Doctor Who: Far and away the Doctor. All of them. With Six and One leading the pack.
Dresden Files: Morgan. I love him more than Harry and Bob both. Sorry, guys.
Firefly: WASH. <333333 Wash. Serenity didn't happen.
Leverage: Hardison.
Lie to Me: Eli Loker. I seem to find his jerkishness adorable.
MASH: Alan Alda Radar. Radar's adorable.
Pushing Daisies: Probably Emerson. He's funnier and less morose than Ned.
Sarah Jane Adventures: If you frequent my journal, you know by now that I'm a pervy Luke fancier.
Stargate: DANIEL. I go for the geeky guys, clearly.
Xena: Cupid. What can I say, I'm a sucker for itty-bitty baby Karl Urban.
X-files: FROHIKE. Well, actually, Byers, but I just love shouting "FROHIKE" at unexpected moments.
West Wing: Either Toby or President Bartlett. It's a close call.
White Collar: Peter. Neil may be hot, but Peter has my heart.

Day 15 - Favorite female character
BSG: Laura Roslin. No contest. Everyone please act surprised for a moment.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Joyce Summers, with Dru a close second.
Castle: Alexis Castle. She reminds me of me. I probably flatter myself, though.
Doctor Who: Sarah Jane Smith. I want to BE her.
Dresden Files: Murphy. Duh.
Firefly: Kaylee in terms of who I'd like to hang with, River in terms of most-interesting.
Leverage: Parker. She's awesome, and it's really nice to see someone with Asperger's properly portrayed.
Lie to Me: Emily Lightman. Sensing a "daughters" theme?
MASH: MARGARET HOULIHAN FUCK YEAH. I mean, I realize she's basically the only recurring female character, but she is also badass as all-get-out and everyone should just bow to her awesome. Once she realizes how badass she is and dumps Frank, I expect to be much happier with the show. Seriously, Margaret, DUMP FRANK.
Middleman: Wendy. Though this one's a tough call.
Pushing Daisies: Probably Olive, but it's a narrow squeak and mostly because she is Kristen Chenoweth.
Sarah Jane Adventures: Once again, Sarah Jane Smith.
Stargate: Dr. Janet Fraiser.
Xena: Gabrielle.
X-files: SCULLY FUCK YEAH. Ahem.
West Wing: CJ FUCK YEAH. Ahem.
White Collar: Elizabeth Burke is made of win. You know this to be true.

Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Glee. I hate the characters (except Sue) and I hate the plots, but god, those musical numbers keep sucking me back in.

Day 17 - Favorite mini series
JOHN ADAMS. Okay, this was a given because I'm a major John Adams fangirl, but it's also well-acted and well-directed and I just. I love it so much.
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[02 Jun 2010|10:14pm]
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence

Doctor Who, barely, and not the current one either, the Christopher Eccelston one. It's my favorite, the first one I ever watched, and I just love the theme song. I have other favorites but that's the top one.

My least favorite, incidentally, is the early DS9 one. We get it. Your space station model is pretty. YOUR CREDITS STILL GO ON TOO LONG.
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