Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme for 2007

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fics )

Q & A )
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

o hay look no more fic

Up To Something )

Curse Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal! )

Not a Robot; coauthored by Puck )

Trading Headaches: Part 2 )
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Gift fics and pimpage

I'm starting to think I write too much.

Homage, for gypsy )

Four Lies and a Truth, for Pris )

Trees and Malcolm Reynolds, for Megan, who never said thank you, tsk )

Fear Her, for The Boy )

In Which Wash Is Up Much Too Late, for Liz )

Care and Attention, for Kristina )

Nick/Danny drabble for Gypsy )

Trading Headaches, for Puck )

What Love Is, for El )

And some pimpage.
Doctors, Doctor's Girls and Doctor's Boys, by Mimi~na.
David Tennant and Kittens.
Harry Dresden meets the Doctor.
A Christmas ficlet for me, from Liz; Zoe/Wash.
Amusing poem.
A two-sentence ficlet from Gypsy.
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