she wants to dream in the blue clouds. [entries|friends|calendar]

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Posted by togepi on January 6th, 2028 @ 11:40pm
[ mood | content ]
[ music | hadashi no kiseki | marika matsumoto ]

friends only
comment to be added

...down on the outside, pretty on the inside. )

Please abide to my rules. They're not uncommon or anything, so... yeah.

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Posted by togepi on May 30th, 2008 @ 2:35pm

For all your Aeria needs, should you want them. 8|
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defiant to the end. [
Posted by togepi on January 22nd, 2008 @ 12:00am
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | welcome to the black parade | my chemical romance ]

Princes, Princesses & Ugly Dragons
a mix for Liz from Aeria~♥ (but totally open for anyone to yoink.) )


Funny story, while I was uploading Melt With You, "Time Left: 7 Days so and so hours and so and so minutes" came up. LOL.

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