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07.07.1997. [07 Mar 2008|11:48pm]

okay, so now that that is over, we can start doing much more interesting things! like celebrating. and not going to class. and being one with nature. and having fun at the carnival thing? studying cut into my outside time, unfortunately, so i plan on remedying this for the rest of the school year. if anybody wants me from now on, i will be enjoying the sun! hopefully it does not rain during the last week.

exams were all right, i thought. it does not really matter for me, but hopefully everyone else did really well. and! i have decided to hit caracas first on my world-conquering expedition. i need to buy my ticket when i get the time and money. exciting times, hogwarts!

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05.30.1997. [30 Jan 2008|11:25pm]

you know, i was going to participate in dodging and throwing because i have as much ravenclaw (slytherclaw?) pride as the next clever person, but then i pictured me doing it. and it made me laugh! cos harrison muldoons do not run. or dodge. well, maybe dodge, but only if my life depended on it. definitely no running, though. unless something extremely dangerous was chasing me down. this is why i golf, albeit terribly and usually stoned. there might be a correlation between the two.

anyway! i might just eat and listen to music instead. but, good luck? that was a neutral good luck, cos i am clearly switzerland and i support both my slytherclaw and gryffinpuff classmates. i feel we are all kindred dodgeballers deep down in our hearts.

i dunno what that means, really. and, on that note, i am off! enjoy yourselves.

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05.14.1997. [14 Jan 2008|11:43pm]
oh, fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck is everyone okay?
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